A couple of years ago, drivers had just one single option if they ever wanted to improve the appearance of their cars: repaint it. However, that was before the famous vinyl wrap, which was more affordable, and, most of the time, more comfortable to apply. Wraps were invented more than sixty years ago, but they used to be more expensive, so their usage was restricted to only high-end cars.

Over the past few years, Vehicle Wrapping Birmingham has become more and more popular, so prices have fallen significantly, making it the cheapest and most convenient option to modify the look of your vehicle. Let’s review the advantages and disadvantages of painting vs wrapping your car.

What is a Vehicle Wrap?

Have you ever seen cars with wild, noticeable, and funny graphics, or maybe even curiously luminous colours? Then, you have most likely seen car wraps.

Vinyl wrap is commonly used for advertising as it costs a lot less than paint, and it provides significantly more finish options and design than paint. Although, with such affordable rates, wraps are starting to become the favourite way of “repainting”, even for private car owners.

A vinyl wrap could be either a straightforward colour scheme or an intense colour, and they both look like paint, even if you do not want to announce anything with your car, vinyl wrap is an inexpensive alternative to usual paint.

Car Paint or Wrap

When you are attempting to choose between paint and vinyl, the initial question should be: How long do you think you could be without a car? This can be crucial if it is currently the only means of transportation you have. Are you willing to rent another vehicle if yours has to be at the garage?

Paint and wraps have to be applied in quite distinct ways, which can eventually affect how long you will be without a vehicle. Paint jobs are available in a broad range of price ranges and quality; however, three aspects are always constant:

Each layer of paint must dry up for at least nine hours.

The older layers of paint have to be entirely removed before applying the new one, which takes extra time.

Multiple coats of paint are required to cover your vehicle thoroughly.

This means that it will take four to ten days for your car to be ready, it all depends on the size of your vehicle and whether it already has old paint underneath.

Wraps, on the other hand, take less time than paint. After you choose a design, it usually takes three days to apply. All it has to be done is a wash and dry your car, and finally, use the wrap.

Removing Paint Vs Vinyl

The best attribute of wraps is that they can be easily removed without causing damage to the paint underneath. This means that the colour under the wrap will be well-maintained and protected from outside elements.

Paint, however, is permanent. Once you paint something, you need to stick with that look, unless you are willing to invest more money applying new paint. With wraps, you will be able to use unique designs, or only colours or shapes that make your car unique, and then remove it if you do not like it or want to update the graphics.

What Is More Expensive?

Paint jobs and Vehicle Wrapping come in different levels of design and quality. Painting a standard size car can cost around two thousand dollars. On the other hand, a complete vehicle wrap costs typically about one thousand dollars. For many companies, this price is perfect as wraps can also be used for marketing. For personal cars, it is a more economical alternative, whether you choose solid colours or wild graphics.