In digital marketing, content is the main component. And the content must be properly packaged. Illustrations for posts in Facebook, page covers, infographics, website design like, presentation design – all these are tools in the struggle for the client’s attention.
When they order a design from you, they pay for the amount of work performed or for the time spent. But they buy your vision, style and understanding of how design works in general.
Modern marketing is predominantly visual content. Competent graphic design becomes an effective marketing tool and affects the success of the business as a whole. Therefore, for a designer who is counting on serious projects, it is important to rely not only on their shallow understanding of the visual side of marketing.
Finding good references is also not enough. Anyone who focuses on the work of other designers without understanding the basics of design is like a child who redraws silhouettes of favorite cartoon characters. A designer who copies references, even if talentedly, simply works out his salary and is content with secondary positions.
In the field of visualizing brand attributes and creating visual content, the designer must lead the brand forward and set trends, and not trail behind the creative processes and feed only on the ideas of other designers.
At the heart of modern design systems are the approaches that were laid by the founders of design. Take a look at the list of names that we publish below and rate your level of understanding of the basics of modern graphic design.