
Since we live in an era in which we are surrounded and mostly influenced by technology. We can utilize technology to become happy; we just need to find out how we find happiness by using technology.

However, most people believe that technology is ruining our happiness and peace, yes, it is true, but it is an incomplete truth. Excessive technology usage, being around technology, and using it in the wrong manner, can make you lose your mental peace and happiness, no doubt. When we see and use social media through technology, we are unaware of one fact that whatever we are seeing is the story of one side, and many things on social media are trapped in the bubble of the filter. Excessive social media usage can lead to bullying, depression, comparison of life, and inferiority complex in every aspect. These all are like stumbling blocks to peace and joy. We often tend to see the technology to be more interfering with our social, mental, emotional, and behavioral developments, which are a major part of our well-being. But on the other hand, if we see the other aspect of technology, we will realize that it can contribute to our happiness, joy, and peaceful life. We can take an example of those people and partners who are far apart and through video calls, they can connect to their loved ones and experience a sense of joy and pleasure.

There are many potential benefits of utilizing technology; all just you have to do is to explore how you can be happy and how you can enhance your well-being


Indulge yourself in such activity which contributes to your happiness.

Through social media, we can connect and engage socially with different people and those who are known to you but are miles apart. And from the space of social media, we can share our thoughts, our kind and wise words, portray our skills and abilities, and in return, we can receive lots of encouragement, which automatically can make you happy and relaxed even.

According to research, it was stated that social media helps people to fight against the symptoms of depression as social media for such people works as a platform to express openly and creatively. They are less likely to feel lonely. Through social media usage, 30 % of young individuals started to feel better and feel like they are releasing their stress and anxiety; however, for 22% of individuals, the case was the opposite.

One contestant shared his feeling regarding social media that it makes him feel happy, he can laugh because of it and it is a kind of escape for him and keeps him distracted from all the stress going on in life.

But on the other hand, limitless social media usage can lead to undesirable results such as comparing your life with those on social media, always thinking, and having a perspective that their life is rough while others are living the best and smooth life.

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Keen interaction with your people and community:

It is a fact that individuals who do not interact much and engage themselves in Facebook usage passively tend to feel depressed. According to the author recommended that passive usage of any social media platform will lead to feeling as if you are inferior, life is unfair, and you can even become envious and it is just because of the behavior of social comparison.

On the other side, people who are more actively using social media such as commenting, posting, liking, and sharing, have a lower tendency to be depressed. As by speaking and being active, they find out that they get support from the social platform and positive response, which leads to a decline and reduces the symptoms of depression.

So it is suggested that engaging in a specific way with others who are online is best in our interest but with the condition of having a social connection, not the behavior of social comparison. This is how you can strengthen and enhance social bonds.

Learning new habits and setting new and achievable goals.

If we look into the present time, we must realize that technology has to enable us to reach the resources responsible for our wellness and health. Such as just sitting at home, we can have access to how to learn skills to keep our emotions regulated, mindfulness, or having gratitude. And we can even know and practice therapeutic inhalation to build flexibility and resilience.

However, it is true that not every app is useful and does not benefit fully, but if we take help from another social platform such as YouTube there, we can find ample videos of gurus and mentors who teach yoga, exercises, techniques of therapy. Additionally, few apps help to forecast the mood of people, and then when they see it is the right time to intervene, they intervene with assistance and support.

One study showed that computer-based emotional management training improves anxiety and mental well-being for those who have trouble controlling emotions and proposing that expertise, which encourages contentment and joy, can be acquired online.

Searching for information and studies which are health-related

If we tend to use technology positively for the best and positive impact on us, then we must utilize the internet to learn how to overcome health challenges and how to be well and healthy. And according to the study, it conveys that searching regarding it enhances and builds our confidence and secondly, our communication is improved with the health providers.

The appropriate usage of the internet can heal individuals struggling with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. And people who face these issues watch those several people as their goal and motivate themselves to be there who have successfully beaten the mental health disorders or depression. Through technology, it makes us capable of learning strategies we need for our psychological and physical well-being.

Technology itself is a positive tool to rescue you and to provide you happiness, but it depends on the users how to utilize technology in a beneficial way to seek happiness.