If you ever wished to block an unwanted friend on Facebook who just clog up your ‘Facebook News Feed’ with annoying posts but unable to do so because you have no idea how to do it then, this is the right time! Read this particular blog in which we’ve mentioned how to block someone on the Facebook page without them knowing it. You can block someone easily and to do so, follow the below-given simple ways without wasting any further second:

However, before starting with the process of blocking someone from Facebook, it is necessary to know that the person, whom you’re going to block, will no longer be able to do these—

  • He/she won’t be able to see your Facebook profile and the activity you do on Facebook
  • He/she won’t be able to see your name or your account on Facebook
  • He/she won’t be able to communicate with you on Facebook Messenger.
  • He/she won’t be able to send you invitations for events, group chats, and many more things.
  • He/she won’t be able to send you a friend request again from his/her side.
  • He/she won’t be any longer able to follow your public posts or activities etc.

Basically, ‘Blocking’ is a privacy feature of Facebook that is mainly there to prevent unwanted people from contacting you and restricting them from accessing your information. Now, as you got enough idea about what will happen after you block someone on Facebook; let’s move forward to start with the process of blocking a person on Facebook:

Way 1: Add The Person To The Restricted List:

  • Instead of directly blocking them, add the person whom you want to block on the restricted list and to do so navigate yourself to your Profile page.
  • Then, from the top of your profile, click on your ‘Friends’ tab.
  • After that, from the list of friends, click on the ‘Friends box’ which is next to the friend’s name list in order to bring up options.
  • From the available options, choose ‘Add to another list’, and under it, you’ll see the ‘Restricted list.’
  • Click on the ‘Restricted’ option to finally restrict the one who you want to block from your Facebook page.

Way 2: Unfollow The Person From Facebook Account:

  • To unfollow someone, go to the top menu bar in the top right corner of the Facebook page and click there, to expand the ‘Down Arrow Icon.’
  • Then, simply select the option of ‘News Feed Preferences.’
  • Under it, select the ‘Unfollow people’ in order to hide their Facebook posts.
  • After this, search for whom you want to unfollow from the list of friends and click on their profiles to finally unfollow them.
  • And, lastly, click on ‘Done’ to save/apply changes.

Way 3: Remove from ‘On This Day Feed’:

  • In addition to these ways, you can even choose someone to remove from your ‘On This Day Feed’ in order to remove their posts from your news feed. To do so, simply navigate yourself to the left of the Facebook page near your News Feed.
  • Then, scroll down to the option ‘On This Day Feed’ and simply click on it.
  • Under it, click on the ’Preferences’ button from the top in order to prevent a particular person and dates from being included in your News Feed.

That’s it! These are the various ways with the help of which you can easily block someone from your Facebook account even without them really knowing it. However, in order to know how to unblock someone on the Facebook page, then simply just reverse the steps. To know more about it in detail, visit the technical websites like ‘Emailspedia’ and ‘Way Binary.’