Enabling Direct Deposit on the Cash App is very simple. So, before proceeding with this process, you have to activate the Cash App Direct Deposit. Here, you need to make sure that you have your Cash App Card active. If the Cash App card is not activated, you will not be able to activate the Cash App Direct Deposit.


Note: To enable Cash App Direct Deposit, you must be at least 18 years of age to enjoy this unique feature of Cash App.


How direct deposit is necessary for the cash app?


Being an active Cash app user, you want to know that “the Cash app makes direct deposits quickly”. Therefore, if you are using Cash App for Cash App Money Transaction, you can be charged 3%. However, if you pay using a bank account or debit card, there is no charge for this! Read more: Cash App Closed My Account with Money in It


The Cash App can also charge 1.5% if you send a request for an instant Cash App transaction from a debit card that is linked to the Cash App account. But, if the transaction is done with a bank, there is no fee or fee.


What are the Benefits of using Cash App Direct Deposit?


There can be many benefits to using the Cash App Direct Deposit. Some of the major benefits mentioned in the section below:


#1. Using the Cash App Direct Deposit, it is very simple to provide a paycheck to employees. Similar to regular banking, Cash App Direct Deposit enables you to receive a paycheck directly to a Cash App account. Hits when users hit payment accounts, users will be notified with a notification message. Learn more about: How to unlock cash app account


#2. Furthermore, the direct deposit of Cash App can be converted to the traditional balance of Cash App. Therefore, users can easily use Cash App Balance to do any online transaction or purchase anything as per their choice. Cash App Direct Deposit users are not required to pay any kind of fee or charge. Users will be able to pay using their Cash App card. Learn more about: Where Can I Add Cash to My Cash App Card


#3. Apart from this, Cash App users also get a customized Cash App Card which can be used for any online payment or purchase.