Everything has its share of advantages and disadvantages, and wi-fi is no exception. We live in a tech-driven world, thus, are absolutely dependent on wi-fi. But, do we know how it is harming our health? Let’s look at some of the health issues that might arise from wi-fi.

Trouble Sleeping
An extremely common problem is inability to sleep. Most of us have wi-fi routers in bedrooms making the space a hub of EMF radiation. Not just wi-fi, even the rays from cellphones make the environment worse. These rays can make it difficult for you to get sound sleep.

Skin Reactions
Some people might see red patches, rash or tingling effect on the skin. This is usually seen on upper arms and face.

Fatigue is tiredness that keeps you away from trying active, lack of sleep or inability of the mind to work. EMF radiation can do this to your body.

Tinnitus is a sound that you consistently hear, when there’s actually no real external sound playing. The sound could be roaring, clicking, hissing, or anything.

Cognitive Decline of Brain
Declining memory or trouble in recalling events, names or places is a sign of brain fog. You might have a difficult time in concentrating as well. If we believe scientists, there might be a rise in the number of Alzheimer’s patients because of the increased use of Wi-Fi and our dependency on tech.

Apart from these diseases, EMF radiations can break DNA chains, interrupt with the brain glucose metabolism and metabolism of cells.

Final Words
As they say, prevention is better than cure. If you have a network security router at home, you can pause the wi-fi for a set time daily to protect yourself and family from radiations. Also, there are EMF radiation paints, cages, and clothes available that can absorb the radiations and keep you safe.