
Stories on Instagram have become an integral part of its experience. Millions and millions of daily active users are identified on Instagram. In that, half of them are daily story users. There is no surprise to come to know that business and various industries are a part of them. Stories are instant and ephemeral in conveying messages to the audience. One should always have a clear idea to measure the performance of the story. Invest your time and effort to use Instagram Stories in your marketing. The effectiveness of your Instagram Stories in your Instagram business profile can be measured using simple metrics. In this article, let us discover some new key performance indicators to use Instagram insights for stories. 


Story Features:

Geo stickers and hashtag stickers play a vital role in Instagram. It helps more in improving the reach and impression of your story. You can get easily featured in the story for a particular location. These elements also provide a way to promote your brand on Instagram stories. Quick identification of your Instagram story is enabled while you are featured using these elements. Track the number of additional viewers you acquire when you get featured.

Note the number of new viewers you gained using the particular hashtags or stickers. Then use the appropriate one to reach new audiences.


Instagram Reach:

On Instagram, two metrics influence your story’s audience. Reach is one of the two. Chances are more in watching stories than they like your pictures. Reach is the count of the total number of people who have seen your story. That is why stories typically have low reach numbers. You can meet this difficulty by monitoring your schedule of posting. Pre-plan your schedule for every day and week for posting your stories. Make use of geotags and hashtags. Keep an eye on publishing your story frequently when you find a drop in your reach.  


Instagram Impression:

The other one is the impression. The probability of impressions may be high when compared with reach. The Instagram impression measures the number of times your story has been viewed. Your Instagram stories reach rate will be low when you have a high engaging audience and more followers. Similarly, when you give more followers, the engagement rate will be lower. When you find a drop in the impression, you check the quality of your story. Improve your production if it is blurry or bouncy. Attractive elements like humor, surprise, and creativity will be a new perspective in capturing users’ attention.


Taps Back, Taps Forward, and Exit Rate:

Another exciting metric comes here. Taps and exit rates leave the quality of your content in the stories for interpretation. One may get clarity in analyzing these metrics. 

The number of taps users made to view the next photo or video in your story is Taps Forward. A high number of taps forward is a warning sign that indicates your story is not interesting or too long. It may result in less number of story views. But still, you can grasp story views to engage the current followers and reach a new audience. The number of taps users made to see the previous photo or video in your story is Taps back. It indicates an adequate signal showing that the people liked your story to re-watch. Your story may be quite interesting that intimated the viewer to go back and watch again. The exit rate measures if the user watched your story entirely till the end or not. Instagram itself is called ‘swipes away’.



Instagram stories are a great way to interact with your audience engagingly. Analyze the above metrics accurately to understand which type of media is attractive to your audience. Create a sequence of such Instagram stories coherently.