Many people have heard of the use of medicines for flu, but few understand what they are or how to use them properly. The most popular medication is Fluctuation. Fluctuation is an anti-fungal drug that can be used as both a topical medicine and for chronic sufferers of flu and colds, and although there’s no cure for the flu, doesn’t mean that there’s no way to get better while you’re sick.

There are many over-the-counter treatments available to you for the many symptoms you experience while you’re infected with the flu, including fever, headaches, nausea, and stomachaches. Some medicines to treat more than one symptom in a single product, and some simply treat different symptoms in separate ways.

If your doctor prescribes a medicine for flu and you’re concerned that it may not be right for you, discuss this with him or her first. Be sure to do some research on your own if possible. Don’t forget to check with your pharmacist, as well, as some over-the-counter medications might contain ingredients you may not be familiar with. Be sure to let your doctor know about any allergies you’ve had with the medicine you’re using to treat your flu or cold. He or she may be able to provide you with alternatives that will help alleviate your symptoms without the side effects that other drugs may cause.

If you’re getting a cold sore, make sure to use the medication for flu treatment before your body has a chance to build up immunity to the drug. It’s very common for people to experience serious side effects if they take flu medication without building up immunity to it, so it’s very important that you do what you can to prevent these problems.

It’s also extremely important that you stay hydrated after taking flu medication. Since the drug itself can dehydrate you, drinking plenty of water is important so that you won’t become sick from the dehydrating effects of alcohol or coffee. It’s also a good idea to avoid aspirin if you’re taking the antibiotic Cipro. Cipro can cause severe side effects if taken without adequate fluid, so don’t take aspirin if you’re taking any other antibiotics.

A good idea is to talk to your physician about taking a natural remedy for your flu or cold. Aspirin, for example, is an effective at reducing the amount of swelling in the nasal passages and in the throat, but can actually dry up the mucus in your nose. If you suffer from asthma, talk to your doctor about alternative medicine to relieve the effects of your medications.

Also, doesn’t use cough medicine if you are taking a nasal decongestant or other antihistamine? If you take antibiotics, it’s a good idea not to use cough syrups with them. They can actually dry up your mucus and cause your throat to become dry. You should also avoid alcohol if you have a cold sore. Alcohol can dry up mucus in your lungs and can even lead to pneumonia, and it can also make cold sores more difficult to heal. For someone with a history of asthma, it’s always a good idea to avoid a hot shower before and after taking flu medicine. This way, your lungs can breathe easier and reduce the possibility of having an asthma attack. If possible, keep your room cool or use a fan to help reduce any heat.