There are certain things that every man should know about sexual health. These aspects are so important, that you shouldn’t go another second without knowing them:

  • Testosterone levels begin to drop in men by one percent every year after the age of 30
  • Men’s health problems can be caused by both physical and psychological factors
  • Sexual health is important to the overall quality of life for both men and women
  • Sexually transmitted infections are still very common for men in their 20’s
  • Your risk of developing erectile dysfunction (ED) as a man grows the older you get

Talking About Sexual Health

The problem that a lot of men face is that they simply don’t want to talk about any sexual health problems that they are having. And while it is a sensitive subject for most men, a discourse with a health professional needs to take place. Why? Because many sexual health problems for men can be precursors to much more serious problems.

For instance, the inability to achieve or maintain an erection could be a symptom of more serious prostate issues, such as prostate cancerFor men, this is a very prevalent threat. One in nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lives, according to the American Cancer Society.

So as a man, you can’t afford to keep silent about any sexual health problems you may be experiencing.

How Sexual Health Can Affect Other Areas of Your Life

Sexual health is not limited to the confines of your bedroom. Many men who have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, STIs, and other sexual health problems reported that other areas of their life were adversely affected.

One common example of this phenomenon has to do with interpersonal relationships. Many marriages are tested mightily when a man can’t perform in bed. The relationship outside of the bedroom suffers because there is a lack of intimacy and physical satisfaction, leading to tensions, stress, and even resentment.

Sexual health can affect your career, as well. When you are worried about a sexual health problem, it’s very easy to get distracted. And when you are distracted to this degree, your work is very likely to suffer.

But perhaps one of the most troubling symptoms of sexual health problems is that it tends to lower a man’s self-esteem. Issues like low testosterone and erectile dysfunction can negatively affect the way you perceive yourself as a man. It shouldn’t, but many men can’t help but think about how these kinds of problems alter their identity.

sexual health problems


What You Can Do About It

Because conditions like low testosterone are so common, the male enhancement supplement and medication industries are huge. And while some of them can legitimately help men with sexual health issues, it’s important to be discerning.

If you are considering a male enhancement product, you should always look for the top-rated male enhancementsOne such product we came across in our research for this article is called Mito Male.

It seemed that every Mito Male review we read had something very positive to say about the effects of the product. Some men reported that it helped ease the symptoms of their erectile dysfunction while others praised its ability to increase stamina.

But be sure to read more than one Mito Male review before you buy it to make sure that it can help with the particular sexual issue you are dealing with.

Five Most Common Types Of Sexual Health Issues For Men?

A lot of men are dealing with sexual health issues and don’t even realize it. The fact is that sexual health issues take on many forms – a problem you may be having that seems like it has nothing to do with your sexual health may in fact be some sort of sexual health issue. It’s important for men to know the signs and to know the most common types of sexual health problems.

  1. Prostate Cancer –

    As mentioned earlier, prostate cancer is predicted to strike every 1 in 9 men. But the risk of prostate cancer increases significantly as you grow older. In fact, it is quite rare for men under the age of 40 to be diagnosed (correctly) with prostate cancer. On the flip side 6 in 10 cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed for men who are 65 years of age or older.

  2. Erectile Dysfunction –

    This is also another of the most common men’s health problems. So common in fact that 5% of all men over the age of 40 are diagnosed with erectile dysfunction.

  3. Hypogonadism –

    Hypogonadism is defined as an inability for sexual organs to function properly. For men, that means the testicles. Hypogonadism is associated with many sexual health problems for men including lowered testosterone production, erectile dysfunction, and even the development of breasts.

  4. STD’s and STI’s –

    The sexually transmitted disease is still very common among men with multiple sex partners. Herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and AIDS are still very real threats for both men and women.

  5. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia –

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia is usually defined as any swelling of the prostate that isn’t caused by cancer. When your prostate is enlarged, it can become very difficult to become aroused. BPH can also affect your urinary tract health – making it harder to relieve yourself in the bathroom, causing frequent urination, and even causing urinary tract and bladder infections.

Last Words

Sexual health is something that every man should think about. Using the top rated male enhancements can certainly help if you choose a quality product, but in general, the best way to ensure your reproductive health is to live a healthy lifestyle.

Stay away from processed and overly-preserved foods, exercise regularly, avoid excessive drinking and smoking, practice safe sex, know the most common types of sexual health problems, and don’t be afraid to talk to a doctor.