It’s the start of the new decade, which means that there’s no better time to feel great and in shape. If you want to promote your family’s health, read on. We’ve put together some smart tips that can help you and your loved ones keep well in 2020. 

Get Vaccinated

Vaccines protect your family from fourteen severe diseases and are crucial for your family and public health. Make sure your children have their immunizations and get the flu shot. It’s never too late to get vaccinated. It will reduce everyone’s chances of getting a disease and will prevent its spread throughout your home. 

Babies, in particular, need to receive their immunizations on time. It’s the safest and best way to protect your baby, your family, and your community.

High schools across the country are already reporting cases of pertussis (whooping cough) in school. With a Tdap vaccine, your teen and preteens will be protected against whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus. 

According to the Center for Disease Control, your teen should also receive a vaccination for meningococcal disease and Human Papillomavirus(HPV). Speak to your primary care physician and be sure that your family is on track with the recommended immunization schedule. 

Go Outside and Explore Nature

Getting outside is good for overall well-being. Harvard Health state that children should be active for at least an hour a day. This generation spends more time indoors than any other. Not only are kids spending more time on screens, but there’s also more concern about sun exposure as well as an emphasis on scheduled activity. 

While you can undoubtedly do inside exercises, they should play outside in nature. According to, it’s essential balancing the microcurrents that ensure a ‘healthy energy flow.’

So much of our world is changing, and one reason for that is climate change. If you and your family take long walks in the woods and you let your kids play in your yard, they’ll develop a curiosity and an appreciation for the natural world. The future of our planet depends on them and this love for everything wild.


Cut Down on Sugar

Every parent knows that cutting sugar out of a family diet can cause an uprising among the tiny residents in the house. That said, it’s a smart move. Added sugars in your favorite comfort meals could be pushing everyone over their recommended daily allowance. 

The average American consumes almost 17 teaspoons of added sugar today, which is far beyond what the amount should be. Children should have between three and six teaspoons per day, depending on their age. Men should only consume nine and women six. 

Whether you know it or not, you might be feeding everyone too much sugar. This much sweet stuff can create health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Too much sugar for kids can lead to behavioral issues. Your pubescent teen will also likely struggle with acne if they’re consuming too many added sugars. 

Limiting your family’s sugar intake doesn’t have to be a revolution. Start slowly. Throw out the extra candy laying around, or hide it on the top shelf of the pantry. There’s a difference between added and naturally occurring sugars in fruits, milk, and vegetables. You should never cut natural sugars out of a diet, especially one of a growing child.


Eat More Whole Grains

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, whole grains promote healthy digestion, can lower your risk of cancer and type two diabetes, and help you maintain a healthy weight. Adding whole grains to your meals can be as tasty as they are good for you!

Choose whole-grain pasta for spaghetti night and mac-and-cheese. Boost your family’s fiber intake by adding in some mashed sweet potato, sauteed cauliflower, or peas. Use some whole wheat flour when you’re baking delicious cakes and cookies.


Support Local Farmers

Buying local is becoming a mainstream trend, and that’s a good thing. More and more families are seeking out fresh and local ingredients from restaurants and the market. You’ll feel better buying from farmers in your community; it’ll also be beneficial for the health of your family. Typically, local foods retain more nutrients. 

Foods grown from local growers can also contain fewer pesticides. Small scale farmers sometimes use organic methods, even if they aren’t certified. If you can, visit a local farmers market and ask them what chemicals they use to grow their crops. Usually, they’ll be happy to talk about their practices. 


A Final Note

There are plenty of lifestyle changes that you can incorporate into your family life. Follow these five tips if you want to ensure that your loved ones are happy and healthy.