Us dog owners love our furry friends. How could you not? You’re having a bad day, the boss was a jerk, it’s raining, and you’re soaked. You just dropped your keys, and when you walk inside your house, your furbaby is right there to greet you with their tail just a whipping back and forth. Suddenly, the day is ten times brighter. Yeah, we love our pups. That is why we want to keep them safe and happy. Dogs need a safe and secure space to run, to play, and to go to the bathroom. Us owners usually fence these spaces to contain and protect our furry little friends. Some dogs are like Houdini, escape artists. Other dogs are just big. Still, other dogs are full of energy. Oh! Some dogs think they are part gopher and just dig, and dig, and dig some more. Here are six things to consider when buying or renting a temporary fence panel for dog.

  1. Height – Let’s face it, some dogs can jump higher than Michael Jordan, and that man had wings. So, when buying or renting a temporary dog fence for old Rover, you need to make sure it’s high enough to contain him. If that fence isn’t high enough, you could hear a knock, knock on the door and answer it to an upset neighbour with Rover in tow.
  2. Sturdiness – Our four-legged canine friends come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of the larger breeds, like Anatolian Shepherds and Bernese Mountain Dogs, are heavy and strong. A flimsy fence will be toppled in a matter of minutes if these gargantuan pups have a mind to escape their enclosures. Temporary dog fences are made more secure by adding weights to the stands. Us owners can also make them more sturdy by connecting panels together with fence clamps. A sturdy enclosure will keep your doggy from wandering the streets.
  3. Climbability – While not overly common, I have seen many dogs climb fences. I had a Husky named Lady, and she would climb over our five ft. tall chainlink fence like she was related to Spider-Man. That used to drive me nuts in the winter months because I’d have to stand outside with her until she finished her business. She wouldn’t climb it while she thought I was watching, but I caught her more than once scaling it. So judge the climbability factor when considering a temporary fence Panel for dog.
  4. Durability – A temporary dog fence needs to be durable. What materials make up the fence? Will your dog be able to chew through the temporary fence? Is the fence panel flimsy? The fence won’t do much good if your pup can twist it or bend it until it breaks. A solid, mesh fence made out of metal is your best bet.
  5. Space – A temporary dog fence needs to surround an enclosure that gives your pup ample space to play, sleep, and to do their business. Consider your dog(s) size, the number of dogs using the area, and the type of ground that the space has. We recommend having a mixture of ground types. Grass is great to sleep and play on, but pee and use can quickly kill it. Wood chips offer an excellent, soft ground that is easy on a pup’s feet, but pests such as fleas and ticks can breed in them. If your dog is a digger, concrete may be the way to go. Concrete can be hard on a dog’s feet and joints. Sand is a nice choice as it is soft enough to play and sleep in and makes droppings easy to clean. However, if your dog is a digger, you could find your yard covered in sand.
  6. Fun – Here is a tip. Make sure that your dog has enough fun things to play with so they don’t even want to escape their dog enclosure. Give them balls, snacks, ropes and toys to play with. A friend to play with makes everything more fun. It can be you, your kids, or even another dog. Man’s best friend deserves all the love we can give them.

There are many things to consider when choosing a temporary dog fence for your best buddy. It’s mostly dependent on the type of dog you have, the number of dogs you have, and the space that you have available. Investing the time and effort to choose the correct temporary dog fence for your dog will keep them secure, safe, and happy.