If your self-esteem is negatively affected by acne scars, then you are not alone. This may sound overdramatic, but according to studies, the emotional damage from them are as real as physical damage. In fact, it may be linked to poor self-esteem, altered social interactions, embarrassment, anxiety, depression, and so on.

The good news is because of advancements in the aesthetic medicine field, you can say goodbye to acne scars and regain your self-esteem. The long list includes ha filler or hyaluronic acid filler treatment.

It is safe to say that hyaluronic acid has become some sort of a fad nowadays because of its moisturizing effects and role as a scar destroyer. But how does it work and why should you turn to it to fix your acne scars and therefore your self-esteem? Read on for details.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid that is used as ha filler is a naturally-occurring polysaccharide (large molecule) that is found in the body. It acts as a lubricating and cushioning agent for the joints, hair, skin, and nerves.

It is important to the skin since approximately 50 percent of the body’s hyaluronic acid supply is found in the skin tissues. If injected to the skin from an external source, it can penetrate deep; then repair and smoothen scars. Its effects can last for 6 to 18 months, but they may depend on the skin type and maintenance measures.

Reasons for the popularity of hyaluronic acid

In a 2013 study, researchers found out that individuals with acne scars experienced immediate aesthetic improvement after being injected with ha filler. To add, there were no adverse effects except for minimal bleeding at the area of the injection.

Aside from the said benefit, the fact that patients can smoothen their scar without surgery or downtime contributed to the popularity of ha filler injections. For reference, ha filler injection procedures last for as short as 15 minutes, compared to aesthetic surgeries that last for about an hour or longer. Plus, there is no downtime and you can return to your regular routine in a jiffy.

In fact, you can have ha filler injections during your office break and return to work without worrying about a thing. This is not the case with aesthetic surgeries that require a week or two of downtime.

Aside from the smoothing scars, ha fillers have become popular because of other aesthetic benefits that include the following:

  • Even out lines around the mouth and nose
  • Restore volume on the cheek and temple
  • Eliminate vertical lip lines
  • Improve facial symmetry

Summing up

Fix your acne scar issues and boost your self-esteem with ha fillers. Advancements that have become popular in the aesthetic medicine sector because of its efficacy and safety. However, make sure to have licensed professionals perform hyaluronic acid-related procedures to ensure that your welfare is not compromised in your quest to fix acne scars.