Having siblings is having your friends and enemies combined into one lump of a lovable creature that you hate and love at the same time. Siblings can be really annoying when they show their birthright to share everything that you own. It’s never “mine” in the house. It’s always “ours”. You are supposed to share everything except your personal stuff i.e. your toothbrush and whatever falls into that category of privacy. Other than that, you will be required to treat everything else you own in a communist kind of way. They own half of what you do all the time. This does lead to a lot of fights bittersweet memories. Ignoring all that siblings are still a blessing and no one would care about you as they do. Sharing the internet with my siblings was a war all the time. We had a large house and the router was in the middle of the house. Which happened to be a bit closer to my brother’s room than to mine.

This meant that he got a better network signal than I did. Totally unfair. I tried moving the router a bit to the other side of the room to gain the upper hand but was ratted out by my brother and my parents put it back where it was. Although I didn’t get an internet range that my brother was getting my father did notice the problems and decided to solve it.

Setting up the ac 1200 extender

He told us that he would add a range extender to the router if we helped him find one. I wanted one of the best extenders so I suggested the Netgear Ac1200 mesh extender to him. He brought one home that same evening and I was so delighted.
I only had to connect it to my PC and then visit the setup link. I decided to SETUP NETGEAR AC1200 VIA When I typed this IP address into the taskbar it redirected me to the setup link. Next, all I did was followed the website UI to complete the setup and it was done. The setup was quite easy. I did know How to setup ac1200 mesh extender via wps but I decided to do it the manual way as I wanted to put in a personalized SSID and password so that my brother would sabotage it again.

Extender speed information

After that, I had full-on connectivity in my room and it didn’t feel like a wireless dead spot. When my brother came to find out about the new device he wanted one too. I didn’t want him to get one as he already had good connectivity in his room. He just wanted to have everything I did. Well, those childhood days were what they were. He was younger and dad got him one too. I didn’t care that much about it anyway. I had my Netgear extender setup sitting in front of me providing me with the best internet speeds and coverage I had ever experienced before.