Investing in real estate may seem like an easy task but it isn’t. People believe that you just have to buy property, rent it and enjoy lifelong earnings. However, they overlook other expenses involved in this process. Regardless of the location of your property, it will need proper and timely maintenance, if you want to reap endless benefits. Therefore, whether you’re going to buy some commercial property for sale in Mumbai or a house in Delhi, looking after it is vital.

One should keep in mind that if you don’t care for your property, it will transform from an asset to a liability. Therefore, there are many things that one must consider before they invest in the real estate sector. Some of the things that you should bear in mind are:


Before you start searching for a property to buy for investment, understand your budget. The budget you’re willing to spend will play a key role in determining the type of property you can buy. Carefully, consider your finances and decide if you have enough cash to buy the property or do you need to lease it? Similarly, you should also estimate how much cash you have for making the down payment. Be realistic and honest with yourself and analyse your financial situations, whether you can buy property for investment or not.

You not only need money for purchasing the property but you also need to consider the inevitable expenses that come along with it. Some of these expenses include:

  •       Maintenance costs.
  •       If your property is rented then damage made by tenants to the property.
  •       The impact of weather on your property.
  •       Permits involved for construction & maintenance.
  •       Property taxes.

These are some of the expenditures you should keep in mind when you’re making a property purchase

Choose the Type of Property

Basically, there are two main types of property i.e. residential & commercial, from which you can choose for buying. Although both of these categories have a number of variants, the main types are only these two. Residential property is usually purchased by families for either settling down or renting out. On the other hand, commercial properties are used for doing business. You can do business on your own or rent out your place to another business owner. Additionally, there are some properties that you can use for mixed purposes i.e. for residential and commercial alike. Buying such property can be beneficial for the owner as they don’t have any restrictions. However, there can be a downside as well, living spaces in mixed-zones can be quite tricky to rent out. As it depends on the type of commercial centres nearby.


The most important factor that will decide on the rate of your property is its location. It plays a vital role in determining its current and future market. Therefore, before buying any property for investment, carefully examine its location.

Ploughing a barren field with your tractor won’t produce any yield, likewise, choosing the right location is essential for its future market. Before making any purchase evaluate the market trends of that area and make a decision if the reports are favourable. Consider multiple options and narrow down the most favourable ones, buy one that seems most fit as per your budget.

Especially, if you’re buying commercial property then picking out the right location will greatly influence your property’s market value. Cornered properties are usually pricier than others as they enjoy a direct approach and better accessibility.

Buy from Well-reputed Developers/Builders

Another important factor to consider while buying property for investment is the reputation of the developer in the market. If you are buying a property developed by best real estate developers in India, it will ensure good returns in the future. Therefore, you can rest assured that your investment in safe hands with no chances of scam and fraud.

Modify Your Property

Another good way of making the most out of your investment is by making modifications to your property. You can get your property remodelled, renovated or refurnished to increase its market value, even a fresher coat of paint can increase its worth.

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