Change is the only constant thing. 90’s teens remember rooting for Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys, and how hooked were we all to Friends (dreamy? Yeah). Trends come and go. Things change.

But the internet came, it conquered, and it stayed. We started with the dial-up, lived through AOL, and are experiencing IoT now. Although, IoT is not as latest as we think it is. It all started with a Coca Cola vending machine in 1982 (Glad that it didn’t stop there? Me too!).

Web development is not something that you can learn by reading. It requires time as well as knowledge combined with the practical implication of your learning. Imagine that all the online data available on web design and development is reachable by a tap, and you open that tap by using the Google search bar. Try searching “coding”. The internet is going to flood you with loads to information.

So, where to begin? This blog post contains all the basics you need to know before you begin website development. The basic know-how can help you search for all the right things if want to begin as a website developer, or want to hire one.

Let’s begin!

What is Website Development?

Website development refers to all the steps involved in the process of building a website. It could be a single webpage with a plain-text setting, or a complicated website or application, or a social media site. Everything you see over the internet is developed.

Website development comprises of two things: coding and web markup. But it is not that simple. The process includes many levels, from client-side scripting to server-side scripting. It can include tasks such as CMS (Content Management System) development and e-commerce website development. Let’s dive into the basics to know more.

Web Development: The Basics

Listed below are all the web development basics to give you a comprehensive idea.

  • Website
  • IP Address
  • HTTP
  • Coding
  • Frond-End
  • Back-End
  • CMS

Let’s View These Basics in A More Detailed Way.

What Are Websites and How Do They Work?

If we think of a computer as one big cabinet, websites are the files that are neatly stacked inside it. Servers connect these files via a big network which is the internet. The computer loads the websites with the help of programs called browsers to load the website using an internet connection. A computer is also called a client in technical terms.

What is the IP (Internet Protocol) Address?

IP or Internet Protocol is a set of criteria by which interactions take place over the internet. It is the same way postal mail works. Your mail reaches your house although there are billions of houses and streets. Internet addresses work similarly. To reach a website, you need its address (although you can also access it by searching through search engines, or by domain name). An address is what distinguishes a website from billions of others.

You can search for your IP address by typing “what is my IP address” in your search bar.

What is HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)?

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the connection between your website and the remote server that contains all website data. This protocol outlines the way messages are exchanged over the internet. You can switch between websites and pages using HTTPs.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) gives the framework to the server to make it respond in the same language as the client (computer). It comprises of all the interaction between you and the internet. It receives your search request, translates the code from the server, and opens your desired website.

What is Coding?

Coding means writing codes for applications and servers. Coding is a computer language, comprising of vocabulary and grammatical rules to follow. Abbreviations, punctuation, and special commands are also a part of it. We can say that web development is a process of language translation, and coders are the translators.

Which coding language to use while web development is based on the platform, as well as on the operating system and, style. All coding languages fall into two categories: front-end and backend. These two types of codes are written by two different kinds of coders: front-end developers, and backend developers. A full-stack web developer can do both.

What is Front-end Coding?

The part of the website or software that is visible to the visitors (and clients) is called its front-end. Front-end web developers enable websites to communicate and respond when they are reached. You can play videos, zoom images, highlight text, etc. Front-end coding is also called client-side development.

What is Backend Coding?

This is also known as server-side coding. Although this side of coding is not visible to internet users, it provides the basic digital infrastructure for website development. If you look at it, it will appear as a random mess of symbols, numbers, and letters.

As browsers only understand JavaScript at the front-end, coding language options are limited. Whereas in backend development, servers can configure different languages.

What is CMS (Content Management System)

CMS (Content Management System) refers to programs or applications used to manage and create web content. Although CMS is not a web application development necessity, it is helpful in web-based application development. CMS provides you with plugins and add-ons which you can use as basic building blocks. It helps you build a structure with the help of coding.

Mostly used for blogging and eCommerce, CMS is equally helpful in all kinds of websites.

Let’s have a look at different types of web development too.

Types of Web Development

Different types of web development refer to different niches for web developers to work. Developers can choose one of these distinctions, but as most of these web development types overlap each other, developers often get qualified in multiple types.

Let’s have a look at the types.

  1. Front-end Development
  2. Backend Development
  3. Full Stack Development
  4. Desktop Development
  5. Website Development
  6. Mobile App Development
  7. Game Development
  8. Security Development
  9. Embedded Development

Why Should You Go for Web Development?

Whether you work with a web development company, work on web design and development as a freelancer, looking for innovative to pitch a proposal to a website development company, or a student working on improving your web app development skills, you must understand the basics to get through.

The internet is going to stay. As for active internet users in 2020, 4.57 billion people were using digital platforms for research, education, and entertainment purposes. And the one thing common in all digital platforms is a website. So, web development and developers are going to be an essential factor in the digital world.