The goal of hair transplant is the regrowth of the hair which people might lose due to trauma to the scalp or medical conditions. For that person has to consult the surgeon. Hair transplant is also known as hair restoration, hair transplantation and much more.

In this article we are going to discuss the hair transplant, does it work. What are the types, side effects of it?

What is hair restoration?

It is a process where your surgeon will take hair from the back of the scalp or from different areas such as the chin, chest, etc of body parts to transplant the hair into the scalp. In fact, taking hair from a beard is time-consuming but it is a great source of donor area for the surgery. The surgeon will perform the surgery in such a way that it will end up looking natural only.

What are the types of it?

The surgeon will check the patient whether he is a good candidate or not and advise the type according to the condition of the patient. There are two types which usually surgeons prefer that are mentioned below:


Follicular unit strip surgery is the type of procedure in which the surgeon will harvest the strip of the skin from the back of the patient and close the incision with the stitches. With the help of a microscope, the surgeon will separate the donor skin into hair follicles units and transplant into the area where the patient is experiencing thinning or baldness.


Follicular unit extraction is the type of procedure where with the help of a punch tool the surgeon will remove the hair follicles individually and then transplant it into the problematic area. In this, there is no need for stitches also.

Does hair transplant last?

After the hair, transplantation the person might experience hair loss or patchy looks which needs to be taken care of. The patient should consult his surgeon from time to time because some people need to follow-up transplants. People need touch-ups procedure in which the surgeon will refill with hair follicles where the patient is experiencing baldness or thinning of hair.

To get the best results, patients should follow the instructions given by surgeons religiously to increase the chance of getting best results such as do not wash, comb your hair for a few weeks, don’t do heavy workouts, you are not allowed to go under sun exposure and so on.

Side effects people experience mentioned below:

  • Scars
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Pain
  • swelling

Final Thoughts

If a person is experiencing hair loss problems then he should visit the best surgeon. Remember before selecting the surgeon you should check the qualifications, previous surgery results, locations, fees, reviews of the surgeon. It will not only help you in getting the best surgeon but also help you in attaining the desired results.