An average car accident can be quite forceful. This impact can cause serious injury, especially to the neck and back.

Even a low-impact collision can lead to injury of the neck and back. The fact that low-impact car accidents do not result in any injury is a myth. It is very rare for a car accident victim to escape unhurt from a crash.

No matter how strong or weak a collision, the impact has a negative effect on the body. Whiplash is the most common car accident injury that chiropractors treat at accident clinics along with back injuries, such as herniated disc and spinal cord injuries.

Heal Your Injuries Holistically

If you have sustained back or neck injuries during a car accident, seek medical attention from a chiropractor immediately. Do not delay or suffer the pain, thinking it will go away on its own. You can get help from our accident clinic in Miami. Call our experts at 305-389-9040 for an instant consultation and evaluation.

It is best left for your chiropractor to judge the severity of your injuries and diagnose and treat them. But if for some reason you are not immediately able to visit an accident clinic, you can try some natural remedies at home. It is always best to heal naturally than resort to painkillers and OTC drugs.

Natural Remedies Can Work Wonders

Get back on the road to good health with the help of natural remedies that you can easily do from the comfort of your home. We’ve listed 3 of them that you can mix and match to suit your needs. But before you go ahead with any of the remedies, it is best you seek medical advice from your chiropractor.

1. Hot And Cold Therapy

Both heat and cold applications provide relief from pain. Ice packs applied to the site of injury reduce inflammation. Make sure you wrap the ice before applying it to the injured area. If it helps, try alternating between cold and warm compresses.

If a hot compress or a thermal wrap is uncomfortable, try a hot shower. You can switch between hot and cold water to get relief from the pain and discomfort.

Application of heat boosts blood flow to the injured area and reduces swelling by flushing away the excess fluid. You can also try a salt bath to soothe your aching neck and back muscles

2. Easy And Simple Stretches

Injuries such as strains and sprains respond well to easy stretches. Make sure not to overstretch any part of the injured area. This will do more harm than good.

Try out simple, easy stretches that you can do without causing any stress to the site of injury. These stretches will help better your posture, strengthen your muscles, and improve the range of motion.

If you are not sure of which stretches to include in your regimen you can consult your chiropractor via phone or use telemedicine to receive a quick face-to-face consultation. Do not attempt to do any stretches without the guidance and go-ahead from your chiropractor.

3. Rest

The more you rest your injured body, the faster and better you heal. Rest and adequate sleep help your body to regenerate damaged and injured tissue. When you sleep, your body releases beneficial hormones that give a boost to your immune system and help your body self-heal and regenerate at its own pace.

Not getting enough rest and sleep can slow down the speed of repair and regeneration of injured tissue. This leads to prolonged recovery time and excessive pain and discomfort. A good night’s sleep and adequate rest during the day are critical for proper and complete recovery. 

Call Us Today

Don’t wait and suffer the pain. Let our team of accident injury chiropractors at the accident clinic in Miami, help and guide you towards a natural and holistic recovery. To schedule a consultation call us at 305-389-9040 or visit us at