Children go through a lot of psychological and physical pressure growing up. Trying to adapt to social and academic culture can take a toll on them, and they may feel exhausted or unconfident as a result. As a parent, encouraging your children for physical activities like sports can be a good way of boosting their confidence and fitness.

If you live in Melbourne, a great activity for your child is kids Jiu-Jitsu. For growing kids, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) provides many benefits that will help them in their everyday life. To develop a better understanding of how BJJ can help your children, let’s take a look at the benefits of BJJ listed below:

Teaches self-defense

The techniques taught in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are proven to be effective for self-defense. So, when you send your children to learn BJJ, you can be sure that they will develop mental and physical experience during their training. Children are frequently introduced to one-to-one sparring, which helps them understand how to apply their moves in real-life situations and learn effective self-defense.


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training primarily revolves around self-discipline and training. When children are trained in BJJ, they get to understand how important discipline and constant training are in real life. They begin to understand the importance of time and dedicated effort. This ability reflects in their other activities as well. When you allow your children to train in BJJ, you can also expect improvement in their lifestyle and studies as well.

BJJ boosts confidence

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is all about the intelligent application of knowledge. Children learn how to overcome various obstacles by intelligently applying their understanding. Children develop a ‘never give up’ attitude and self-belief, which will give them the confidence to face many obstacles and challenges of everyday life. With regular BJJ training, there will be visible improvements in your child’s public speaking skills and overall social behavior.

No more bullying

Everyone has faced bullying at some point in their childhood. It can be devastating for a small child, breaking their mental strength completely. But with kids Jiu-Jitsu training, your children can learn how to stand up against bullying. From BJJ training, children learn that standing up against bullying doesn’t mean that one has to become a bully himself; being fearless, confident and strong is enough in most cases.

BJJ also helps children understand that size doesn’t matter. Most BJJ techniques are effective due to their precise application and not just pure strength. So, with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training, small children gain a great deal of confidence. They realize that they can handle a tough situation even if they are smaller in size.

Builds mental and physical strength

BJJ training has a primary focus on ground-based grappling moves. Children challenge their limits and develop strengths such as agility, strength, confidence and focus. So, everyday training will make your children strong both mentally and physically.

Better health

Children are taught the importance of fitness and nutrition. With enough physical workout, their appetite increases, and so, you won’t have to run after your child to make them eat their food! With better nutrition and physical workout, overall health improves, and it will help your child achieve better structure growing up.

The good habits stay forever

When children practice the values and discipline of BJJ from a young age, they start to understand the importance and benefits of fitness, self-discipline and focus. These habits, when developed at a young age, tend to stay with them forever. So, when you enroll your children into BJJ training, you can expect your child to become well-behaved, disciplined and virtuous, carrying these values into adulthood.

In conclusion

Are you wondering how to get your child enrolled into a BJJ training program? Well, you can find the best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training facilities in your area by a quick Google search. Just search Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu followed by your area. If you are in Melbourne, search for kids Jiu-Jitsu in Melbourne and you will find the best training facilities in Melbourne.

Check their website thoroughly and ensure whether they have a fully equipped facility and world-class instructors so that your child can get the most authentic BJJ training.  So, wait no more; give your children the gift of strength, determination and confidence.