In the faced-paced world that we live in now, there has been an ever-increasing demand for speedy and seamless communication over large geographical distances even across oceans.  Also, there has been a surge in demand for a variety of smart and compact devices, partial or complete automation, and communication among AI—driven devices. All these, cannot be achieved without robust and high-speed internet connectivity, and this is where fiber optics started gaining momentum. So, fiber optic broadband facilitates high-speed data transfer over a fiber optic cable. This post discusses the details and benefits of fiber broadband.

What is Fiber Optic Broadband?

Fiber broadband offers high-speed connectivity and is now not restricted to only businesses and industries. It is useful in homes as well. In the year 2020, with so many people working from home, the demand for this broadband type seems to have gone up. Also, this is essential when it comes to watching shows online, music, movies, and live streaming in general. This type uses optical fibers for data transmission and reception. These fibers transmit signals in the form of light pulses which are converted to electric signals by media converters on the network and then transmitted over a fiber optic cable. These are made of either fiber or glass strands similar to the diameter of human hair. These strands have a core or the innermost material from where the light passes. These strands are in bunches and have cladding from outside as part of the insulation. The data passes through this cable goes till the last mile or the length of the cable where other devices on the network are connected, and here the light signals are converted into electrical signals.

Benefits of Opting for a Fiber Broadband

High speed and seamless connectivity along with data security form the core of fiber optics. So, there are several benefits of using fiber broadband, and here are some of them.

  • Signal strength: In case of the conventional copper cable networks, signal attenuation or weakening is a common issue. In fiber optics, this issue is eliminated even in the case of long geographical distances and multiple types of networks involved. With minimal or no signal loss, fiber optics can transmit huge volumes of data including bulky files such as audio and video.
  • Electromagnetic interference: EMI or noise is one of the common issues in legacy networks. This issue is totally eliminated here as fiber optic cables do not emit radio waves. Also, they carry light pulses and not electric current, which shields them from any damage.
  • Network traffic and congestion: A network may have multiple users, and in the case of traditional networks, the network share gets divided. So, even for a high-speed network of beyond 100Mbps data rate, if there are 20 users, each one would get only 5Mbps. So, in case, maximum users send or receive huge files at a time, it could slow down the speed or cause congestion in case of high network traffic. This does not happen in fiber optics at all.
  • Speed: In the case of other high-speed networks, downloading and uploading of files may still take more time than usual, which affects the speed. So, a consistent speed is not achieved. In the case of fiber optics, the speed remains high even when downloading or uploading, live streaming, and so on. So, there is no buffering.
  • Data storage: You can store the data on the computers on your network or any other storage devices which exist on the network. Other than these, you can opt for cloud storage using the available CRM tools which businesses use to store data at a centralized location securely.
  • Security: Fiber optics is not easy to hack and not prone to leaks, unlike copper cable networks. Hence, your data is secure when transmitted over a fiber optic cable.
  • Latency: Fiber optics helps avoid delays in data transfer as it eliminates the issue of slow speed, weak signals, congestion, and so on.

Whether you want to improve your private network or require high-speed, secure, and reliable internet connectivity, fiber broadband is the right solution. PoE media converter provides fiber to copper data connectivity between the fiber optic switch and the remote or wireless access point. However, ensure you source the broadband services as well as devices from the right manufacturers. VERSITRON is a leading manufacturer of fiber optic media converters, modems, and other fiber optic devices required for reliable, speedy, and robust fiber-optic broadband.