Cancer is characterized as the uncontrollable growth of cells that invade and cause damage to surrounding tissues. Cancer that develops inside the mouth is often referred to as oral cancer or oral cancer. 


Oral cancer tends to be a growth or a pain in the mouth that doesn’t go anywhere. Unless diagnosed and treated early, oral cancer, along with lip, tongue, jaw, mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, and pharynx (throat) can be life-threatening.


Read about the risk factors, how it is diagnosed, and the treatment process, and for more and remember to contact experts for a consultation.


Symptoms of Oral Cancer


Many of the most common symptoms and signs of oral cancer include: 


  • Constant mouth pain that does not heal 
  • A lump or thickening of the jaw 
  • Red or white patch on the gum, lip, tonsil, or lining of the mouth. 
  • A dry throat or a persistent sensation that something is stuck in your throat 
  • Difficulty in chewing or swallowing 
  • Difficulty in moving the mouth or tongue 
  • Numbness of the tongue 
  • Jaw swelling that causes dentures to hurt or fit improperly 
  • Losing the teeth 
  • Pain in your teeth or jaw 
  • Changes in voice 
  • A lump in your stomach 
  • Loss of weight 
  • Persistent poor breathing


Risk factors 


Some of the factors which increase oral cancer risks are: 


  • Tobacco use of every kind, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, tobacco chewing, and snuff. 
  • Heavy alcohol intake 
  • Excessive exposure of the sun to your lips 
  • A sexually transmitted virus known as human papillomaviruses (HPV)
  • Debilitated immune system


If any of these symptoms occur or last for weeks, your doctor can consider testing for oral cancer. As with any cancer, it is essential to diagnose as soon as possible when more oral cancer treatment options are available.


Diagnosis of Oral Cancer 


Tests and techniques used to diagnose cancer of the mouth include: 


  1. Medical test 


The doctor or dentist will examine your lips and mouth for pain abnormalities such as sores and white patches (leukoplakia).


  1. Biopsy 


If a suspicious area is detected, a sample of cells may be removed by your doctor or dentist for laboratory testing in a procedure called a biopsy. 


When oral cancer is diagnosed, the doctor will assess the extent (stage) of your cancer. Tests for oral cancer can include: 


  • Endoscopy   


While undergoing this procedure, a small, flexible camera fitted with a light on your throat is passed through the mouth to check for signs that cancer has spread beyond your mouth. 


  • Image test 


A variety of imaging tests can help to decide if cancer has spread outside your mouth. Imaging tests can include X-ray, CT, MRI, and PET scans, among others. Not all of them need each exam. Your doctor will decide the tests are necessary based on your condition.


Oral Cancer Treatment 


Treatment for oral cancer depends on the place and stage of your cancer, as well as your general health and personal preferences. You may have just one form of treatment, or you may have a variety of cancer treatments. Contact Experts about your treatment options.


Treatment options include: 


  1. Surgery
  2. Radiation therapy
  3. Chemotherapy
  4. Targeted drug therapy
  5. Immunotherapy Treatment 




The signs of oral cancer can easily be misinterpreted for something trivial or commonplace. But it may be very dangerous if it is not detected at an early stage. This list of symptoms, risk factors, and treatment of oral cancer can help you be mindful of the condition and take necessary precautions or action.