Web accessibility protects your business by complying with local and global guidelines such as Website Compliance Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and ADA. Therefore, web accessibility is something that you should not ignore.

The purpose of the evaluation, review or analysis of web accessibility is to analyze, study and validate web pages so they do not present accessibility problems and comply with the existing accessibility guidelines. A web accessibility assessment can be done automatically or manually. To do this, various review tools are used.

Automatic evaluation allows us to make a quick evaluation, it helps us to have a first impression of a website accessibility, but it does not provide a definitive and reliable analysis, since it may not detect important errors or point out errors that do not really exist (false positive). Only a manual analysis by an expert can provide a complete and reliable analysis of the web accessibility of a page.

Website Accessibility

A key element in the evaluation of web accessibility is the web accessibility test carried out on a group of users with different profiles and carried out in an evaluation laboratory.


Axe is based on a comprehensive library for accessibility testing to provide accurate, robust, and efficient results. Axe tools can cover your business general compliance and testing requirements. You can use it in Chrome and it comes with features like smart guidance and automated tests, as well as saving and exporting the results.

Use axe DevTools to empower your development teams with extensive accessibility testing. It has features like automated and guided testing, CLI, CI / CD integrations, etc. Axe Auditor helps you perform comprehensive and consistent WCAG audits on your applications and content.

Here, you get features like easy communication with filters and problem groups, pre-defined content problems, and comprehensive test methods. Monitor, scan and report accessibility status dynamically using Axe monitor. It includes detailed control panels, legacy firewall scan and authentication, and full site scan, including PDF files and web pages.

Web Accessibility

This tool complies with all the WCAG 2.1 standards. It is an awesome tool for testing a website accessibility, to make sure that people with special abilities can access the site with no problems.

To use this tool, you only have to enter your site URL. It will show you the status of your compliance with a score ranging from 0 to 91%. With these testing tools, you can perform a full site analysis with additional testing, deeper viewing of critical violations, actionable data, and then download the detailed report. You can then work through those problems to comply with guidelines like ADA and WCAG.


AChecker is a simple tool that you can use to test your HTML content for accessibility. You can do this by choosing one of three methods: Enter the page URL, Paste the webpage HTML source code or Upload an HTML file.

AChecker can identify three types of problems:

Certain Issues – The tool identifies certain issues as accessibility violations. Therefore, you must fix those issues to comply.

Possible Issues: AChecker identifies some possible issues which you have to make a decision about them. You will most likely have to fix those issues.

Potential Issues – AChecker cannot identify some specific issues, therefore, it´s up to you to make a decision. Here, you may have to modify your web page to fix the problems. However, in many cases you need to confirm that the problem does not exist at this time.


Everyone needs information from the Internet, but unfortunately not everyone is the same in terms of its individual capabilities.

Therefore, make sure that those souls are not left out of access to the information that you have made available on the web.