Education is the most important asset an individual can possess to make life worth living. Education not only elevates your quality of life but also allows you to live life on your own conditions. Education helps a person to gather the means to live a life that they desire. Education provides a pathway to reach your career goals, along with helping out to build a strong mental and physical well-being. A well-educated person is always ready to handle life’s challenges head-on. We, as individuals, face several problems in the course of our life. If a person is well educated morally, physically, and intellectually, life does get a bit easier. Education is the food that we feed our minds with, and a healthy mind prepares one for a healthy lifestyle.

Modern living conditions require us to be trained according to the circumstances. The world has rapidly transformed into a global village where large corporations are gradually taking hold of the entire world market. This has opened up huge opportunities for jobs in the private sector. However, these international organisations prioritise English speaking employees above all else. Language fluency has gained so much importance in the past few decades that without being a fluent English speaker, it gets difficult for people to make their way in the world. This is not only applicable to the private sector. Majority of job openings in the government sector too test for fluency in English. Most of the exams conducted for Civil, Defence, and Police services test all candidates in English.

English is not simply a prerequisite for obtaining a good job. People all over the world are speaking in English these days. Therefore, man being a social animal can not survive in isolation. Speaking in English allows a person to possess certain tools that can assist a person in living a fuller life. When you have the means to communicate with anyone on the other corner of the world, read literature that may not be available in other languages, and be aware of all the changes happening in the world, you will definitely end up living a holistic life. Therefore, English has become an integral requirement for better living in our generation.

The Summit School makes sure that your child receives a good quality education in English. The students here are trained from an early age onwards to communicate well in English. This does mean that they are brought away from their own mother tongue. Rather, extreme care is taken to introduce a balance between different languages without undermining either of them. It is believed that children who are trained to communicate in multiple languages tend to develop higher intelligence. Therefore, such multi-faceted education not only makes them more capable linguistically but also cognitively.

Language is not just a means of communication. It rather becomes a way of life. In our world of cultural assimilation, we can not neglect the importance of English. However, we can not simply accept the Western cultural influence that is rampant in the world. Rather, what we need is a pragmatic attitude that would allow us to approach this issue smartly. We need to embrace the best of both worlds and need to form a blended lifestyle. The Summit School can help your child to do just this. Enroll your child at the best English medium school in Kolkata and help them navigate the modern world smartly.