As a cigar enthusiast, you are likely already familiar with several ways in which you can purchase cigars to try. There are cigar singles, bundles, mini tins, and sampler packs. You can find all of these conveniently online at cigar shops, but you first have to decide which you want to buy. Many people who are interested in trying something new turn to buying cigar samplers online. It is a great way to try lots of new cigars all at once and a method that we often suggest to those looking for their new favorite cigars. Here are some of the reasons that just might convince you to go ahead and pick up a pack or two of cigar samplers online.
Learn About Brands
Some sampler packs include an assortment of cigars all from one individual brand. These are great for testing out a new brand getting a good feel of what they have to offer. It is also a smart option to choose if you know that you love one or two of the cigars from that brand already. There is a good chance that the same brand will carry similar products that also resonate with you in a different way.
Break Old Habits
After spending some time smoking maybe two or three different types of cigars, you will feel like you have fallen into a habit with your cigars. You stick to the same few brands every time, and you know that when you run out, you will repurchase the same ones. While it can be very comforting to have our favorite cigars to always come back to, it can get a bit tired and repetitive after a while. There are so many cigars and cigar brands out there to enjoy, but you are limiting yourself to a few simply out of habit or the concern that you may waste your time and money to try things that you may not even like. It is an understandable concern, but it is also good to know that there are ways of trying new types of cigars that can reduce the amount of risk you have to take. A great way to do this is to buy cigar samplers online and try out several new flavors at once. You can pick up a sampler pack online that has completely new flavors to you and try them out consecutively to expose yourself to different brands or cigar lines without the full commitment of getting a pack of cigar tins or all singles. You can buy cigar samplers online for a reduced price compared to buying them one by one, which is a nice little incentive. Having the sampler be pre-selected also takes the decision making out of your hands, and opens you up to any kind of cigar under the sun. This really lets you broaden your horizon and see what else is out there besides your normal go-to brands. You might still be concerned that there will be some misses in each sampler pack, but you should also consider the chance of some hits too. At the very least, you can feel confident that you know a bit more about what else is out there and how you feel about certain flavors.
There are lots of ways that you can enjoy cigars, and one that we recommend is by buying cigar samplers online. This is ideal for those looking to try new flavors and test out brands they may have been interested in. You can find a huge variety of cigar sampler packs online at They have different kinds of packs that could help you find some surprise favorites.
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