Anal glands (also called anal sacs) are two small glands inside your pet’s anus. The material that has been secreted into these glands is thick and foul scent. Most wild animals may willingly empty these glands for fragrance marking or self-defense. Most dogs’ anal glands are empty when the dog excretes. Nevertheless, in several dogs, the fluid produced in the anal sacs becomes thicker and accumulates in the gland, triggering irritation, known ‘anal sac impaction.’

Which Animals Are Mostly Affected?

While any dog could be affected, smaller types of dogs such as chihuahuas, dachshunds, miniature or toy poodles are more widely seen by veterinarians for anal gland complications.

What Causes Anal Sac Disease?

Anal sac disease is caused when these glands are disturbed by tumors and or blocked, restricted or irritated.   Most issues with anal glands are not deadly, but anal gland disease can get worse easily if remain unattended. If you are experiencing any indicative symptoms in your pet, a veterinary examination is required to consider for any existing infections.

Symptoms Associated With Anal Sac Disease?

Symptoms of anal sac disease include:

  • Scooting or dragging their anal area
  • Excessive licking under of the tail
  • Pain close to the tail or anus
  • The swollen area on both sides of the anus
  • Blood or sticky drainage on either side of the anus

How Is Anal Sac Disease Diagnosed?

Fortunately, anal gland impaction is usually not a serious disease. It may, however, be a chronic problem but might recur often, causing pain. Several dogs are affected for no particular reason. There are no preventive measures to ensure that the problem never comes back. The most vital point is to supervise your pet’s behavior and excretion habits, and to seek veterinary care if constipation or discomfort becomes noticeable.

What Are The Treatments For Common Anal Sac Disease?

In the case of a simple obstruction, constantly emptying by a veterinarian is necessary. Some dogs need to do it every 4-8 weeks; in others, it is far less common. But sometimes, it might also be probable for the owner to learn and perform this task, as most prefer to leave it to their vet.

It can often help to change the structure of the diet. Adding more fiber to encourage bulkier stool is often suggested. It must be said that this doesn’t always work, but it’s certainly worth considering.

If there is an infection, a course of antibiotics may be provided. Anal sacs may also be scrubbed with saline or diluted antiseptic solutions under anesthesia or sedation to help remove the problem. Abscesses may demand surgery to help drain and resolve the infection, along with antibiotics and often pain medications.

Chronic anal sac problems may be dealt with by surgery of anal bags. This appears to be confined for dogs with repeated, mild to serious problems with early recurrence following the above mentioned treatments. The removal of anal sacs contains a small threat of constipation due to its accessibility of major nerves in the area. It could be temporary or long lasting.

Preventing Anal Sac Disease

Changing the diet of your dog may be helpful. The objective is to make the stool of your dog more bulky so that the anal bags are pushed more often as they go to the toilet. This is achieved by increasing the fiber in their foods..

Obesity is a risk factor of anal sac disease (along with several other conditions) so losing weight is essential. Low-fat prescription diets used for losing the weight are also high in fiber. Consult your veterinarian   for advice on diet and weight loss.

What Is The Cost For The Treatment Of Anal Sac Disease?

It is hard to give exact prices for anal sac disease treatment since each animal hospital differs and the cost depends on the service required. Always talk to your vet if you can’t afford the treatment they’ve suggested, there could be another alternative.

Before any signs of illness begin, have your dog insured as soon as you get them.  This would make sure that you have all the backing you need to take care of them. When buying an insurance policy, always check the level of coverage you are going to pay for them.