In today’s education climate, a student’s success is often evaluated based on the grades he/she gets. Corpus Christi private schools strive hard to ensure that each of its stars shines brightly. At Annapolis Christian Academy, our focus is not only to upgrade the child academically, but we also believe in holistic child development.

Are grades able to judge the child’s true potential? 

To tell the truth, grades are meaningless. They are unable to tell much about the child’s learning capabilities. Educators need to dig much deeper than the grading system to track student’s progress. Only then will they add more value to the learning process.

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christian preschool in corpus christi tx

Let’s delve into the brief benefits of monitoring student’s on-going progress.

1) Formal and informal testing proffers mentors with precious information regarding progress of the students. With this strategy, the schools can identify the students that are weak in academics. Special attention can be given to such students, to meet their needs. The final aim of schooling is to ensure the achievement of every student. 

2) It is a great way for teachers to learn how effective their teaching pedagogy is. It is a quantifier of the effectiveness of the instructions given by the teachers in the classroom. It also helps understand how impactful the teaching has been to the grasping abilities of students. With this analysis, the teachers can mold their instructions to suit the needs of the students.

We have shortlisted the basic ways for schools to assess student’s performance.

1) Interaction

Good communication skills are a crucial quality of a good teacher. If students can communicate their concerns and doubts to the teacher with ease, half the battle is won. Individual student-teacher interaction plays a pivotal role to identify the student’s progress. It helps to gauge any loopholes in the mode of instruction.

 One to one interaction with positive feedback can work wonders in encouraging students. Slow learners can use this personal time with their teachers to their advantage. A teacher must push students to channelize their strengths rather than dwell on their deficits. A little push can transform a mediocre student into a high-grade one. 

2) Observation

Another ideal way to track the progress is to observe each student during class. The teacher may take rounds during lessons to record the student’s posture, gesture, and facial expression. Most teachers can identify if the class has understood the concepts; it can help to mark the students who seem confused. 

You can ask some questions to the confused lot. It is necessary to clarify their doubts before the lesson proceeds. If most students lack understanding, review the lesson delivering pattern. The teacher might also need to adopt a slow pace. It would be a good idea to reconsider the communication strategy.

3) Formative Assessment

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academy corpus christi texas

Summative assessments are conducted at the end of a particular instruction period. In contrast to this, formative assessments are on-going in-process evaluations during the lessons. The teachers identify the learning needs and academic progress of the students. 

In addition to this, the teacher can identify the concepts the students are struggling to understand. It can aid in making adjustments to the instruction techniques and material. The teacher can use homework, projects, group assessment, worksheets, and quizzes for formative assessment.

Due to formative assessment, the inattentive students will become alert. The teacher can ask simple oral questions during the lesson. It increases focus during class hours. Moreover, if the child cannot answer they feel embarrassed. It is a fact children do not like to be ridiculed in front of their peers. They will put all their efforts in answering the questions.

So it’s not that teachers will waste their time by asking questions relating to the lesson. In fact, the time is being utilized to the fullest. The questions answered by the students during formative assessment act as a clear mirror for the teachers.

4)Periodic Curriculum-based Summative Assessment

It is the model way for most schools to track a student’s progress over an academic year. They are standardized tests, based on the course material provided to the child during an academic year. The format of the question varies in the test, thus imparting a clear vision of the understanding level.

Frequent evaluations are necessary for the students to know where they stand. Conducting tests after a very long gap can stunt the student’s academic growth. It also affects the attitude towards learning. One test cannot give any idea about the student’s learning status. If the student fares badly, it can demotivate the student. Success is very crucial for better self-esteem. It motivates children to perform better than their peers. 

Thus it is quintessential to conduct these tests regularly to get a clear review of the teaching method. The grades are a clear sign of this. If the grade rises, the student is picking up the content taught in class well. Also, the teaching method works to the student’s advantage. In the case of the opposite, an alteration to the teaching pedagogy is the need of the hour. The teaching aids must also go under the scanner for updates.

To warp up, it would be a teacher’s defeat to realize that the students have not understood a word of what they have been passionately expounding on for hours. Teachers talk intending to impart knowledge and wisdom to their students. Corpus Christ academy is a pioneer in uplifting the knowledge and skills of its pupils. Among the established private schools in Corpus Christi Texas, Annapolis Christian Academy is child-centric. Our efforts are seen in the results that we have procured over the years. To explore the academy, call us to schedule a campus meeting. We desire to serve you and your child.