Contact lenses are a good alternative to glasses. Unlike glasses, they do not limit your field of vision. It is much easier for them to lead an active lifestyle and play sports. Coloured, decorative or carnival lenses are indispensable if you need to create any spectacular image.

With a high degree of myopia or hyperopia, glasses of strong diopters visually change the size of the eyes, the frame presses on the bridge of the nose and ears. However, for many, lenses provide higher visual acuity, enhance image clarity and open peripheral vision without distortion.

The popularity of daily contact lenses is rapidly gaining momentum. The fact is that the lenses move behind the pupil, so they do not distort the visual image. By choosing daily contact lenses, you cannot worry about your eyesight and not limit yourself to the choice of leisure. Aesthetics, sterility, a wide range of diopters – these are not only all the advantages of daily lenses. Of course, each type of lens has its own merits.

But today, it’s disposable daily contact lenses that take the leading positions. What is the reason for switching to disposable lenses?

Let’s have a look at the following guide to determine!

Table of Content

What is Disposable Daily Contact Lens?
Why Do You Need to Switch Disposable Daily Contact Lenses?

  • Improve the Eye Health
  • Super Convenient
  • Cut Out the Risk of Serious Infections
  • Economical & More Effective
  • No More Dryness

Wrapping Up!

What is Disposable Daily Contact Lens?

Daily contact lenses are worn for one day and then thrown away. This is the best option for the health and comfort of your eyes. You wear them only during the day during the waking period and be sure to take them off before going to bed.

The fact is that with prolonged (more than one day) use of contact lenses, various substances contained in the lacrimal fluid settle on them and even penetrate into the structure of the lenses. These deposits make the lens surface rough. As a result, the lens becomes uncomfortable for the eye and can provoke the development of allergies and eye inflammation. Such deposits can be removed with special contact lens cleaning solutions. Surface deposits are easily removed even by simple mechanical cleaning.

Accordingly, the more often the lenses are replaced, the better it is for the eye. Therefore, daily lenses are considered the most hygienic.

Why Do You Need to Switch Disposable Daily Contact Lenses?

Improve the Eye Health

Wearing longer-use contact lenses tend to generate serious harm to your eyes. The tears of the eyes carry substances like proteins, lipids and calcium, which start depositing over reusable lenses, leading to eye discomfort and uneasiness. This longer use gives birth to various airborne allergies and hypersensitivities. Once these allergens get deposited to the contact lens surface, it becomes difficult to remove them even through lens solution. But opting for disposable contact lenses can cut down all the risk and improve eye health.

Super Convenient

These lenses are very convenient for those who travel frequently like – business meetings and others. The advent of overnight lenses makes the life of people a little easier. But sometimes, people forget to remove them and wear them all day long. This can increase the risk of various eye infections. So, how can you get rid of this?

Of course, building a daily routine of wearing contacts in the morning and removing them at night is essential. Hence, you’ll never forget to replace your lenses. And this much comfort is only possible through daily contact lenses as they are more convenient. These types of lenses provide the freedom of switching lenses throughout the day and night.

Cut Out the Risk of Serious Infections

As discussed above, reusable lenses are inclined to pull in airborne allergens. These substances stall out on the surface of the contact lenses, which is harmful to the eyes. On the off chance, if you don’t sterilize your contact lenses appropriately, the different hazardous microorganisms can develop on the surface of the focal points. At the point when bacteria get acquainted with your cornea, this could prompt genuine infection. Subsequently, changing to a daily disposable contact lens can forestall genuine serious developments. In such a manner, you can likewise take proposals from experts.

Economical & More Effective

Daily disposable contact lenses have an economical cost when contrasted with those reusable contact lenses. Yet, with the accessibility of different manufacturers, the various ever-increasing number of brands have set up their one of a kind presence in the market by offering a broad range of contact lenses. Consequently, different dealers come in certain competition and offer moderate costs to their clients.

Among various contact lenses, one of the most secure and effective daily disposable contact lenses are those manufactured from silicone hydrogel. This specific substance allows oxygen to enter through these contact lenses as it’ll protect the eyes against dryness easily. You may discover these lenses quite a bit expensive. In any case, these are ideal for healthy vision.

No More Dryness

Wearing longer-use contact lenses can keep the eye dry alongside more elevated levels of distress. Once in a while, dryness in the eyes is caused by allergy additives and different hypersensitivities. But, using daily disposable contact lenses with high water content delivers a constant and safe cover to your eyes. Hydrogel contacts are one of the convenient alternatives that contain water-binding properties. Henceforth, changing to disposable contact lenses is one of the fundamental approaches to maintain a strategic distance from the issue of eye dryness.

Wrapping Up!

Based on factors such as the preferred mode of wearing, the budget for contact lenses, as well as an individual schedule, each person has their own preferences of choosing lenses. However, while choosing disposable contact lenses, it’s recommended that take into consideration the brand and quality of their products. For example, the Dailies contacts provide comfort and convenience with a new lens every day. Only a competent specialist will be able to recommend a suitable model based on the diagnosis and individual characteristics.