Online Quran teaching is a huge responsibility. Muslims all around the world want to learn the Quran through authentic and reliable resources. The Quran classes are making this easy for you and your children to be proficient in reading and understanding the Quran. Online Quran classes with qualified tutors are the best option online for you.

What is the Quran?

The Quran is the holy book that has the teachings of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ). It is a great gift from Allah, which makes it the most important book for the whole of mankind. Keeping in mind this importance of the Quran online Quran teachers is helping their students to be proficient in reading.

Why study Quran online?

The Quran was revealed to the people who faced corporal challenges to which the Quran gave the response in real-time. We have to understand what situation verses were revealed so that we can understand the Quran fully. Online Quran teaching on skype makes sure you understand each verse according to its real meaning. No one is prohibited from going near and understanding the Quran. You don’t have to be articulate in Arabic to get its message and themes. If this was true, then it would not be meant for all people of all times.

Why teach Quran online?

Without a doubt, it is supposed to be one of the good acts of worship that a true Muslim seeks knowledge and teaches it to others. For this reason, the Quran tutor online knows his responsibilities very well. Knowledge means preaching, teaching, or writing books for the guidance of people, etc. Which are all deeds of continuing charity. The best deeds that a Muslim can perform is to learn and teach the holy Quran, and are the main source of respect and honor for him both in the present world and in the Hereafter. That’s the purpose of the Quran tutor to work hard to help you and your child in this way. The holy scripture of Islam, the Quran, is the most comprehensive source of reference for humankind to understand the teachings of Islam. Therefore, understanding the Quran and its teachings and applying it in life can make a servant of Allah(SWT) succeed in all aspects of his life.  In order to ensure the accurate and correct application of the teachings of the Quran among Muslims, it is important that their level of understanding is investigated first. There is a huge population of Muslims around the world so they should bear in mind that they need to give high priority to understand the Quran in order to lead them to be better Muslims and to make them realize their purpose in life.

Online Quran tutor:

Millions of Muslims around the globe recite the verses of the Quran daily in their prayers. Recitation of the entire Quran is completed in thousands of mosques around the world in the month of Ramadan. The recitation of the entire Quran is completed in three nights in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan in some cases. Every year Taraweeh prayer is broadcast globally live from the holy city of Mecca. The Quranic recitation is also provided by tapes, CDs, and the Internet so people can hear it while on land, sea, and air. The Quran is the most recited but least understood of books without any exaggeration. Among true Muslims, indeed, listening to and reciting the Quran has become extremely popular. But when we ask ourselves how many of us are able to understand what is being recited? and, how much importance in our lives do we attach to this understanding?  Most of us don’t have the answer. Several obstacles impede Muslims’ understanding of the Quran. If you are reading a book, it does not necessarily mean that you can also understand it. Necessarily you must have knowledge of a language for understanding a book written in that language.  However, this whole duty lays on the shoulder of an online Quran tutor. With his efforts, his students can learn the Quran with proper understanding. If we think that simply reading the verses of the Quran (without understanding them) is enough to bring lots of rewards, here as well as in the Hereafter then why should Muslims struggle to understand the Quran?  But true believers are working hard with online Quran teaching to make sure Muslims become proficient in recitation as well as understand each word they read. However, living according to the Quran requires that, we, Muslims, understand it first. For this we have to spend time and effort, we have to struggle and persevere, just as we do for other things in life. There are no shortcuts in this process. This is Allah’s law of requital. Without proper input, one cannot get proper output. We as Muslims believe that the Quran is more valuable than any treasure we can accumulate. So, is it true that we are fulfilling its rights?  How much of our day and night do we spend according to its teachings?  To what extent our understanding of it is compromised by our lack of willingness to study it? You may get your answers when you study Quran online with us.