Dogs may suffer Hip Dysplasia if they have problem in sitting or running. This disease is mostly genetic and it is caused due to lack of growth of hip joints in dongs. This needs to be treated soon for healthy life of your pets. There are many ways to treat this type of bone problem in dogs but first it is recommended to see your vet. Your dog may be suffering from this disease for long but you may not have noticed it. But sooner the treatment the better it is for you and your beloved pooches as they suffer from a lot of pain and discomfort due to Hip Dysplasia.

Here are a few ways that are best to treat canine Hip Dysplasia:

Dog owners who have dogs with this disease know a lot about it. Hip Dysplasia is not completely curable as it is genetic but it can be easily treated and managed to help your dog avoid pain and hard times.

1.Exercise and walk

Make sure that your dog gets enough low impact exercise and regular walk on soft surfaces. Avoid concrete roads or rocky surfaces as it may harm more. A regular short walk ensure bone and muscle strength and relieves your dog from pain.

Oasis Pro Underwater Treadmill for Canine


Therapy includes both massages and hydrotherapy through underwater treadmills for dogs. Proper exercise on the water treadmill can help your dog gain strength. Before adopting hydrotherapy it’s better to talk to a professional who knows all the limitations of your dog.

  1. Prescribed diet

It is important to give proper prescribed diet to your dog’s suffering from Hip Dysplasia. It helps them reduce inflammation and discomfort

4.Dog friendly environment

 Smooth ramps and easy steps are helpful for dogs to easily climb up without much pressure on their weak bones. This helps in long lasting treatment as it avoids pain. Use soft mattresses for them to sleep and hot beds in cold weather.


This is an additional recommendation as it helps in good blood flow to all body parts, hence strengthening the joints.

Medical treatment for your dog’s Hip Dysplasia

These ways are the ones which you can easily consider at home. Other methods involve certain surgeries that require heavy supervision of vets and professionals. These surgeries may not provide complete eradication of the disease but may ensure a long and healthy life of your pooches.

  1. Juvenile pubic symphysiodesis

It’s a simple surgical procedure for puppies. If you have a puppy with a high likelihood of developing hip dysplasia can undergo this surgery. You require proper consultation and supervision.

2.Total hip replacement

Dogs with severe hip dysplasia can be treated with total hip replacement surgery. This can increase life time and result in healthy and painless life for your pooch.


Above ways are simple and quick to consider. Dogs are our best friends and need special care if they are suffering from diseases like Hip Dysplasia. Underwater treadmill for dogs is one of the best therapies to manage this deformity without causing any pain to the dogs. It can be easily personalized according to the dog’s limitations.