There are multiple ways to remove hair temporarily and permanently. Most people want to get rid of hair permanently from areas such as the face and arms. Two of the most popular and effective techniques of removing unwanted hair include electrolysis and photoepilation. To get to know the best suitable options with guaranteed results, visit a Skin Specialist in Islamabad.

What is electrolysis?

Electrolysis is a technique in which the hair is individually treated; by inserting a small needle in the hair follicle. An electric current is transmitted to destroy the follicle. The technique is effective as the hair is unable to grow back. The process is time-consuming and may require several sessions to get promising results. People from all age groups and skin types can choose this technique for hair removal. Also, it is a safe treatment as compared to other techniques as no chemicals are used in the process. People with heart-pacers are not advised to go for electrolysis.

What are the side effects of Electrolysis?

The technique can be painful; the person getting the treatment might feel redness and swell afterward. Also, some people might observe discoloration and scarring.

How effective is electrolysis?

Electrolysis is an effective method of getting rid of hair from all parts of the body. However, it is better to use it for facial hair as it requires time and multiple sessions. It is FDA proven and requires no maintenance.

What is the process of photoepilation?

Photoepilation is another technique used to get rid of body hair. The process involves targeting an area with unwanted and excessive hair. An intense light beam targets the skin directly. The light is then absorbed by the melanin present in the skin and converted into heat. The heat destroys the stem cells that are responsible for hair growth. People with heart-pacers and cancer are not advised to consider this option for hair removal.

What are the pros and cons of photoepilation?

Photoepilation is a good technique used to get rid of larger areas with hair. However, it is not recommended to use this method near lips and eyes. The process is proven to be 80% effective. The people with darker and thicker hair notice better results because the heat gets absorbed more, as compared to people with lighter or blonde hair. The process may be effective but can also cause sunburns that can be discomforting for many people.

What to opt for; Electrolysis or Photoepilation?

Both techniques are known to be effective in the permanent removal of hair. Using electrolysis for the facial hair is recommended as it guarantees a hundred percent result and no maintenance after the treatment. However, due to the complicated and time-consuming process of electrolysis, it is advisable to consider photoepilation for the removal of hair from other parts of the body.


People have different types of skin with individualized hair growth. It is significant to consult the best dermatologist in Lahore for proper guidance regarding the suitable technique of hair removal for your skin.

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