The very first thing that engages a customer to a website is its composition. The way your website looks gives your first impression to the visitors. I don’t think I need to tell you all how important first impressions are. It’s like win or lose in terms of seconds. Most of the people worry as to why they have less customers engaging on their websites. It is a mystery as they are following every single method to promote it. Let me stop you guys there. There is nothing wrong with your methods. Maybe the problem is your website.

Your website’s composition is the first thing that holds onto your customers. It doesn’t matter how good your content is, or how well you promote it. The confusing outlook is going to confuse your visitors. The way your website looks tells a lot about you to the customer. They like clean, easy on the eye, kind of vibe when it comes to websites. And the mess makes them switch. To stop that from happening, you can always enhance your website. You can do it by yourself. Or you can take help from any web designing company in Chandigarh.


Here I am sharing a few tips that can help you with your website’s composition:

1. Secure the spaces around the Headings

The headings to the different sections of your websites should be short, informative and catchy. We want to give visitors a clear view of the titles.

Whitespaces around the headings are normal but, some people go overboard with it. 

They have no idea that doing so forces negative space in their remaining content.

To avoid this, you can secure the word and letter spacing around the heading up to 4% and see the difference.

2. For user inputs use System Fonts

Breach of privacy is a big issue that concerns a user. The better you can assure your visitors about their data security, the more likely they visit next time.

By default, most of the websites use their pre-defined font styles to take input for the users. This can be sometimes overpowering for the users.

To avoid this, you can always set you HTML input to always use the user’s system font style. It will assure them the ownership of their data and build trust towards your website.

3. Improve Colour Contrast

Before uploading any content to your website, make sure the visuals are correct. You should double-check if the readability of the content.

Most of the people avoid this crucial detail and end up with content which is hard to read. Such things irritate the visitor and can hurt your website.

To avoid such a thing happening to you check your text for the website’s contrast. The visibility should be clear, i.e. easy to read.

4. Better Content Spacing

To make your website look even more attractive, you can always use style your content.

With proper spacing between the words, characters, and lines can give your site a clean look.

It will improve the readability of your site and make it more user-friendly.

5. Do not clutter Sections

When you are writing on your website, keep in mind to keep it short, simple, & informative.

Instead of using big passages, use short ones with proper alignment. Also, make sure to have proper margins between your headings and the paragraphs.

6. Use better Font Styles

As I told you earlier, your website gives the user your first impression. Instead of taking references from different sites try to embed your style.

Always use the authentic font styles that will show your uniqueness. Most people choose to go overboard with creativity using CSS.

Trust me you don’t want to this. Such cleverness will do more harm than good to your website. 

If you can’t find something as per your style, keep it simple.

7. Easy Navigation

Nothing annoys a user more than awful navigations of a website. 

Instead of going overboard with multiple features, try to keep it simple and easy.

As swiftly the user can move through your website, the better it is for you. Easy access to data trumps everything else.

8. No Heavy Images

Images are a crucial part of the website. But you need to know the difference when to use one and when to avoid.

For starters, avoid using sliders with excessive and heavy images on the website. They will only slow down your website.

The more time your website takes to load bigger are the chances the user will make a switch.

To avoid this use optimized images and only use one when required.

You can always look out for more ways to enhance your website’s composition. You can even a professional’s hand and search for the best web designing company in Chandigarh.