Back pain is the second most prevalent reason for skipping work, coming in second only to the common cold, accounting for 93 million lost workdays and $5 billion in healthcare expenses each year. Back pain affects eight out of every ten people at some point in their lives, and it now affects one out of every four Americans. Unfortunately, many jobs, such as nursing, construction, and manufacturing work, put a lot of strain on your back. 

Back pain can be caused or exacerbated by even regular office employment. According to neuroscientists, chronic back pain is defined as suffering that lasts longer than three months and impacts more than just your physical body. Chronic back pain can lead to mental disorders such as depression and anxiety and sleeping problems, and poor coping abilities, which can harm relationships with friends, family, and significant others. It is easy to get back pain relief, with various physical therapy modalities. 

Motion Is Medicine

Moving is an essential element of keeping your spine healthy throughout the day. Take a stroll during your lunch break or meal–don’t eat your food at your desk–get up and move!

A slew of new gadgets on the market might help you improve your posture or remind you to move. By buzzing after a long period of iPod or tablet use, such gadgets promote good posture. Although there is no published evidence and it is not advertised as a medical device, the concept appears to be promising! 

Your phone or computer’s alarm can also be a helpful tool throughout your hectic day. At work, aim to get up and move every half-hour. Small pauses throughout the day, whether merely to stand and stretch or to get a drink of water, can considerably reduce neck and back pain. 

Sit-Stand Workstation

Sedentary lifestyles are frequently blamed for back and neck problems. Changing positions regularly during the day is essential for dealing with this pain. Sit-stand desks have become a workplace favorite because they allow desk workers to alter their position.

Sit-stand desks allow you to go from a standing to a sitting posture by just pulling a lever. This simple exercise allows your body to move and extend, resulting in a natural spine inclination. Shifting positions helps to ease pressure on the spine while also improving blood circulation throughout the body. Even physical therapists will provide ergonomic training to avoid back pain and injuries. 

7 Ergonomic Tips For Work

Sitting is an inevitable component of office jobs, even with a sit-stand desk and micro-walks throughout the day. Fortunately, there are numerous ways to set up your workstation in order to make your 9-to-5 existence healthier and more pleasant.  

Setting Up Your Screen

If you have your computer screen set too high or low, you may get shoulder or neck fatigue at the end of the day. The top of the screen should be set at eye level, so you don’t have to glance up and down all the time. 

Ergonomic Chair

Consider sitting in a chair with a backrest that supports your lower (lumbar) back’s curve. Sit back in your chair with your thighs parallel to your knees and your hips at hip level. Place your feet on the floor or on a footrest to keep them comfortable. 

Avoid Cells Phones When Answering Calls

Avoid using your phone or tablet to respond to emails if at all possible. It’s advisable to sit at a desk on your computer with an appropriate posture if you’ll be answering emails for more than a few minutes. 

Posture And Keyboard Techniques

Adjust the height of your keyboard so that your elbows are around 90 degrees bent and your shoulders aren’t sagging. 

Computer Glasses

If you wear progressive lenses in your glasses, you’ll need to angle your head slightly to make them work. This tilting action could be the source of your neck pain. Ask your eye doctor whether you can get glasses that you can wear at your work. 

Take Short Breaks

Once an hour, use the restroom, get a water bottle, go to the copy machine, or stretch. Sitting over a long time might damage your back muscles. Just 60 seconds of stretching can counteract the detrimental consequences of sitting. 

Maintain The Natural Curve Of The Spine

Lumbar support, with a natural forward curve at belly button level, is essential in office chairs. You can also achieve this effect by placing a cushion or rolled towel behind your back. 

Final Words!

These are some simple remedies for back pain relief in the lower back. Employees frequently ignore pain, which might potentially lead to serious medical issues. If you experience lower back pain, physical therapy for back pain alleviation may be effective. You may make sure you don’t have any conditions that prevent you from engaging in physical therapy this way. A physical therapist can help you overcome the problem that’s causing you pain so that you can feel better right away.