The primary aim of many organizations is to experience better profitability. a simple it might sound having, but profitability for an organization is a very difficult task, and it requires the implementation of many practices. The profitability of the organization is calculated after the total investment made by the organization is reduced from the total revenue collected after the sales and service of a particular product or service. Experience in better profitability school in auto is a task, and when your organization performs many practices to have better profitability. The organization focused on reducing the operational cost and cutting down the investment, and many other organizations focused on the improvement of sales through advertisement and a lot of other ways. But these methods are clearly outdated and not valid in today’s world. The only practical method that has helped effectively for organizations in improving profitability is working on a project. A project is a temporary desire for an organization that is completely focused on producing a unique product or service. The primary aim of working on a project is to provide the organization with better profitability and improve the marketplace for the company.

What is Six Sigma?

One of the most prominent project management methodologies that have truly helped a lot of organizations and professionals in dealing with the project successfully is Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification. Six Sigma project management methodology is considered to be the most common yet effective project management method that is truly created a great impact on the world of project management. This project management methodology came into existence in the year 1986 and constant functions to provide organizations with a successful project with that quality management method and tools—the six Sigma project management methodology functions of the principle of DMAIC. DMAIC, is there any news for define, measure, analyze, improve, and control. These 5 fundamentals and very important which every organization should be followed while planning to have a successful project. It consists of all the important steps with every organization should follow to ensure that their result with a successful project along the organization to experience better profitability.

What is Failure Mode Effect Analysis in six sigma? 

As we know that the six Sigma project management methodology constantly functions to enhance the quality and quantity of production in the project. A major part of six Sigma is completely devoted to the elimination of various kinds of risks and errors which come across while walking over a project. Defective products and services provided by the organization and truly create a very negative impact on the market among the customers who have purchased the particular product or service from the organization. Today is very important to deal with various kinds of failures and incidents which any organization might face while working on a project. Six Sigma project management methodology provides failure modes and effects analysis, which is a very effective tool used in the name of six Sigma to predict different kinds of risks of failures that the organization might face while walking over a project. It constantly functions to eliminate the significance of impact over the progress, which makes your organization worked flawlessly continuously over the project to ensure that the product or service provided is top-notch quality.

How is it Practised in organizations? 


Failure mode effect analysis is widely used across many organizations all over the world but putting it into practice is really a very difficult task for any professional practicing six Sigma methodology. Utilizing the benefits of failure method effect analysis is very important, and it starts with listing down a wide variety of areas which the organization has previously experienced in the step-by-step methodology while working on a project. The next step is where the professional estimate how big the failure has impacted the mindset of the organization and the customers who have used the product or service. This helps in the identification of which sector was the origin of the failure and how the failure could be rectified in the best possible way. Many professionals who are a technique which is called the scale methodology, where the serious necessary variety of the failure is measured on a scale of 1 to 10, considering the failure to be a defect or a catastrophe. Then the process of rectification of failures and identification of failure points is done at the organization identifies the weak points of the process and helps in functioning of elimination of the failures.


Failure mode and effect analysis is a very important part of six Sigma as it helps in proper rectification and identification of business errors and how an organization can get over a particular incident.