Genetic disorders are something that anyone can experience and it is something that is natural. There is no way to prevent it. However, you can minimize or at least maintain your health by practicing certain yoga asanas. Yoga is one of the best treatments for genetic disorders. Today’s topic is about yoga poses that can help you heal them. These poses are discussed in 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh.

Yoga works with the body to strengthen it and train it for resistance. Yoga can be a great option. Yoga can be used to treat genetic disorders such as thyroid disease, PCOS, arthritis, and high blood pressure. It is important to control food habits. These diseases can never be cured once they occur. All one can do is control these issues so that they don’t become more severe. Let’s now discuss a few of these problems and the remedies.

Disorder No. 1

Thyroid- This is a problem that can be seen in both women and men. The metabolism rate of the human body was controlled by Adam’s apple to release hormones. You can control this issue by practicing the following yoga poses.

Asana No 1-

Plough Pose/ Halasana – This pose helps to stimulate the thyroid glands and reduces pressure in the neck.

  • Place your feet flat on the ground.
  • Keep your hands on your side.
  • The plans will lift both of our legs straight up parallel to each other in the sky, and then slowly back at our heads.
  • For 30 seconds to 1 minute, hold the button down.

Asana No 2-

Matsyasana/Fish Pose – One of the most well-known poses for the thyroid, and it is being practiced in 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. The fish pose will give you strength and help your neck work again on the thyroid gland.

  • Place your feet flat on the ground.
  • Place your legs in a rectangle.
  • Use your hands to touch your feet.
  • Straighten your neck by looking straight up.
  • For a moment, hold this pose.

Disorder No 2

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – This is a problem that every household has today and is more serious for all women. Yoga can help you control your PCOS. This problem can be treated with yoga, which is very effective. This is a genetic disorder that affects women whose grandmothers had problems with their menstruation.

Asana No 1 – Dhanurasana/Bow Pose – The bow pose stimulates the female reproductive organs and encourages regular menstruation. If you have regular menstruation, your disorder will be half-cured. There are other asanas that can be used to combat side effects of PCOS, such as hair fall, obesity, and acne. If you want to learn this yoga asana online then you can check out the beginner level 200 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Course and if you are an advanced yoga practitioner then you can go with the 300 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Course.

  • Place your stomach down on the ground.
  • Both hands should be on your back.
  • Try to fold your knees inwardly and hold your knees with both hands.
  • At this point, the knees should be in line with each other.
  • This pose can be held for between 30 seconds and a minute.

Asana No 2-Cobra Pose/ Bhujangasana – The main problem with PCOS or PCOD, is that the cysts are small flesh-like objects in the ovary. This makes it crucial to regulate the ovary and the cobra pose, which helps in curing the disorder.

  • Place your stomach on the ground.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • Place your palms on the ground and bring them close to your hips.
  • Use your palms to raise your upper body, bringing your hips down to the ground.
  • Only the chest area and neck will rise, and the neck should be bent with the face facing up at the top.
  • For a minute or two, hold this position and then slowly lower your body.
  • For 30 seconds, relax.

Disorder No 3

Arthritis is a very common condition today and affects almost everyone. This disorder causes stiffness, swelling, redness, and other symptoms in young people.

Asana No 1 Child Pose/Shishuasana – This pose straightens the vertebra and helps to strengthen the knees and back. This is one of the most popular poses for arthritis sufferers. It directly relieves pain from the joints. You should practice this pose regularly and slowly, as arthritis can cause severe pain.

  • Place your knees in an upright position.
  • Slowly lower your torso towards the ground.
  • Your nose should touch the ground at this point.
  • Your hands should be straight in front of your face, with your palms touching the ground.
  • This pose should be held for at least 30 seconds.
  • These poses should be done slowly and often for better results.

These are just a few ways one can control genetic disorders. We also have articles on other genetic disorders. However, it is important to manage one’s lifestyle and eat habits in order to avoid any type of disorder. A well-planned life can help you overcome any problem and reduce the likelihood of future ones.