From the gateways of destinations like Sydney, to Central Australia, or the red lands of the Kimberley, Aboriginal people across the country are waiting to tell their stories and convey their cultural significance and way of life.

“The main experience that visitors from abroad want to experience is Aboriginal culture”, says SeaLink – Tiwi by Design tour guide, Buffy Warlapinni. “People are getting more interested in learning our way of culture.”

Aboriginal culture is more than 50,000 years old. This culture predates Stonehenge, predates the Pyramids, and predates the Acropolis. What is even more amazing is that you can experience this culture today.

Who better to introduce you to the oldest extant culture in the world today than someone who lives, lives and dreams of it every day, an Aboriginal guide, one of Australia’s First People to call this vast continent their home.

Indigenous Australians have lived on the vast lands of the country for tens of thousands of years. They are the oldest living culture in the world, and their unique identity and passion remain in every corner of the country.

Whereas ‘Aboriginal’ or ‘Indigenous’ might be used to describe Australian First People, they see it differently. “We are one, we are different from each other, and we are many”, said Dr Ridgeway.

The Indigenous people of the Torres Strait Islands, which entered the state of Queensland, are considered different from the mainland Aborigines of Australia and Tasmania.

The people of Torres Strait Islander originate from the Torres Strait islands between the tip of Cape York in Queensland and Papua New Guinea and share many cultural similarities with the people of Papua New Guinea and the Pacific.

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Today, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people represent less than four percent of Australia’s population, so daily interactions with Australian Firsts are less pronounced for most visitors.

The two flags represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The Aboriginal flag, designed by artist Harold Thomas in 1971, is divided into three colors. Black depicts Aboriginal people; the yellow circle symbolizes the sun; red represents the earth, red ocher is used in Aboriginal ceremonial and spiritual connections to the land.

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The Torres Strait Islander Flag, designed by the late Mr Bernard Namok and used in 1992, has three horizontal panels, with green on top and bottom (for land), and blue (for the ocean) in the middle. The three panels are separated by black lines depicting the Torres Strait Islander people. A white dhar (a traditional Torres Strait headdress) sits in the center. The white five-pointed star at the bottom symbolizes peace, the five island groups in the Torres Strait, and the traditional role that stars have for sailors.