You’ve been talking to a girl for quite awhile, and the time comes when you feel like you can leave with her. She’s so down to leave, but then all of a sudden, her friends cockblock the hell out of you, and you’re left with a phone number and maybe a kiss. How do you get past this type of scenario that you’ve most likely encountered all too many times already?

I’ll tell you how. Almost all PUAs and players search for tips to get past cockblocks. This ranges from having a wingman talk to the cockblock, screening for logistics, and group theory. If you’re investing into any of that stuff, you’re wasting your time. So how do you handle cockblocks? You let cockblocks handle themselves. That’s how.

What do I mean? As you already know, gaming at small parties and small bars (or nightclubs on off nights when they aren’t so crowded) is the key to making one night stands happen. Guess what. There is yet another benefit to gaming around smaller groups of people. And that is, cockblocks handle themselves.

Think about huge parties and crowded bars for a moment. When you’re talking to a woman, you probably notice that she has friends all over the place. Someone starts off in the set, they leave, two more people come in, and one of them leave, only to be replaced by someone else, etc. This basically goes on the entire time you’re talking to a girl in a crowded bar. What does that mean in terms of cockblocking? It means that no one outside of the woman you’re talking to, ever gets a feel for who you are. To them, you are just some anonymous guy.

Now let’s think about smaller bars and small gatherings of people for a second. If you’re at a small party or gathering of people at a private event, it is assumed that you know someone there. In other words, you’re considered safe and not so anonymous. And also, whether you’re at one of these small parties or small bars, you’re basically in a situation where you’re spending much more time with that same group of people. And if you brought any of your friends, they’re probably mingling with the friends of the girl you’ve been talking to.

Overall, it builds a sense of familiarity. Since there aren’t a lot of people to talk to, or a lot of distractions, you end up spending much more time mingling with her friends, especially when they can easily see that you are the most entertaining person around (they have a very clear, easy to see, incentive to stick around versus meandering around a large nightclub looking for something “more entertaining”).

Basically, since they’ve spent so much time around you by default, while you were busy having an engaging conversation with or entertaining your girl, they also benefited from your engaging conversation and entertainment. In an overcrowded nightclub with a billion distractions and people to talk to, the potential cockblocks are busy wandering around the club, and in and out of your set, never gaining that familiarity with you. In turn, you remain an anonymous guy that they really don’t know enough to let leave with thier friend (or leave with you as a group).

When you’ve been with this same small group of people all night, what happens when you try to leave with the girl? Usually, by the end of the night, they have a good feel for whether you’re a serial killer or not. In overcrowded nightclubs, where you are the anonymous guy that they don’t know, they have no clue of what type of guy you are, so they cockblock you by default because they’re not going to take any chances with you leaving with their friend.

Now what happens when they feel like they are familiar with you and have judged you not to be the serial killer rapist type? The cockblocks handle themselves. They feel like they’ve judged you to be a safe guy, so they let you leave with their friend at the end of the night.

Not only that, but the logistics also handle themselves. You’d be surprised at how women are willing to work together if they believe that you are a pretty cool guy that they’re familiar with and believe not to be a serial killer or rapist. They will figure the logistics out, and in many cases, work with you on how you’re going to get their friend home later on. That is how I left with Appleface and many other women. Game where there are smaller groups of people, and the cockblocks will handle themselves.
