In women, the menopause period is less than in men, except for hair loss, but as age progresses, the loss in women gradually approaches men. Female hormones are the reason why they are less common in women until menopause. hormone balance increases during adolescence, when the ovaries begin to work, this balance is maintained until the age of 40-45, after this age, the function of the ovaries begins to deteriorate, and the balances change again.
In women, the period when the normal menstrual order begins to deteriorate is called the climacteric, and the period when it is completely discontinued is called menopause. After this period, serious hormonal changes occur in the body, the most obvious of which is a very decrease in the hormone estrogen.
Estrogen creates different effects on each organ, increases the quality of the hair, gives shine, prevents loss. A decrease in this hormone leads to loss of quality, shedding, so estrogen deficiency should be taken into account in treatment.

Causes of hair loss in menopause
– The most important cause of hair problems during menopause is a lack of estrogen, but there are other reasons.
– With age, the rate of cell regeneration slows down and tissue regeneration decreases.
– Testosterone, the male hormone, increases relatively, the effectiveness of DHT, which causes hair loss, increases.
-Overall nutrition decreases, depending on this, the amount of L-cystine and methionine taken into the body decreases, the synthesis of keratin slows down
– Due to partial narrowing of the vessels, the amount of blood and nutrients to the root of the hair decreases.
– The rate of division of cells called keratinocytes, which make up keratin, slows down
– Periods of hair (anagen – catagen-telogen ) are shortened

How To Prevent Hair Loss In Menopause
Among all these reasons, the most important factor is the decrease in the female hormone estrogen. The easiest way to complete estrogen deficiency without experiencing side effects is to take isoflavone. Isoflavone is the herbal estrogen derived from soybeans and isoflavone, the most widely used herbal extract in menopause treatment. For hair loss, biotin, L-cystine, methionine, keratin should be taken in addition. If all this is taken at the appropriate dose, hair close to the quality of youth can be obtained during menopause. Menopause tablet is the only formulated product developed for the treatment of menopause losses in Turkey. Menopause tablet contains many substances such as isoflavone, keratin, biotin that prevent shedding. Among them, the most effective isoflavone.
Isoflavone rinses the shedding, as well as treats menopausal complaints such as sexual reluctance, flushes caused by hormonal balance disorders.