Do you want to treat hair loss using a hair transplant, but you don’t know what it is all about? Read this article for more information about hair transplant cost.
Each one of us is conscious of how we look physically because people make the first impression by how we look. Having enough hair on the scalp makes us confident in ourselves. When hair loss strikes, it devastates a person suffering from hair loss. The good news is that medical science has made it easier for individuals suffering from hair loss to get back and restore their hair.

 Although several hair restoration techniques are used, the best of them all that guarantees hair growth permanently is called hair transplant. If you are suffering from hair loss and you want a minimally invasive surgical procedure to restore your hair, a hair transplant will work well. This method of hair restoration works just fine but to make it even more efficient, doctors combine hair transplant procedures with PRP therapy. Once hair is harvested from the donor area and implanted in the area suffering from hair loss, the surgeon then injects the scalp with platelet-rich plasma to speed up healing and promote hair growth. Let’s look at how a hair transplant is done. 

How Much Does Hair Transplant Cost? 

In the hair transplant procedure, consultation with the doctor to find out if the patient is the right candidate for the procedure is done. If the patient is eligible for such a hair loss treatment, the surgeon prepares him or her for the procedure. Since cuts or incisions will be done in the scalp, anesthetics are applied on the scalp to reduce pain after shaving the donor and the recipient area. After that, the surgeon will decide which hair transplant he is going to use to extract and implant hair grafts. Two hair transplant techniques are available. Let’s look at both of them: 

FUE Hair Transplant 

FUE hair transplant technique stands for follicular unit excision or extraction. FUE is a minimally invasive surgical method of restoring lost hair. The surgeon uses a special punching tool that cuts around the follicles and removes them one by one. This process leaves tiny dots on the scalp that are hardly noticeable. 

FUT Hair Transplant 

FUT or follicular unit transplantation follows almost the same process that FUE does. The only difference is that follicular units are removed as hair grafts, not individual hair follicles. The problem with this method is that it leaves a visible scar on the scalp. 

Both of these methods offer a permanent way of hair restoration. However, the patient needs to prep first for this procedure to ensure everything goes on smoothly until he or she fully recovers. After the hair transplant surgery or procedure is done for 3 to 4 hours, the patient will go home to allow healing to take place. If the procedure is done by a specialist, the recovery process will take a few months.


Hair transplant is a delicate procedure that requires the patient to adhere to pre and post-treatments. Based on the hair transplant cost the patient is willing to pay, the hair transplant procedure is divided into sessions. Always look for a reputable clinic and doctor to get the best results.