It is officially falling and it is starting to feel like it outside. We know the cold nights are coming soon so it is a good time to get your HVAC system ready for fall and winter. Here are some of our top tips for preparing your HVAC system for cold weather.

Step 1 – Check and Replace your Air Filters.

It is important to replace HVAC filters regularly and check them often. This will ensure that the system lasts a long time and prevents any breakdowns. Air filters should be changed at least once every three months. Change filters frequently if you have pets or are allergic.

Every 2 to 3 weeks, check your air filters to ensure they are working properly. Inadequately working air filters can cause a home to not heat or cool efficiently and effectively. This will increase your costs and tax your system.

Step 2: Clean your outdoor unit.

Check your outdoor unit this fall for any debris or damage. Before winter arrives, trim any trees, tall grass, or shrubs that have grown too close. Next, turn off the unit and rinse out dirt, twigs, and other debris with a garden hose.

Step 3 – Clean your air vents and ducts.

Your house’s air ducts and vents circulate the air. Regularly clean your vents and air ducts to ensure that your home’s air is properly filtered and circulated. Occupied air ducts can make HVAC systems work harder and reduce their efficiency, as well as decrease their lifespan.

Check to ensure that all registers are clear and not obstructed by drapery or furniture. Next, clean out any visible dust from the vents and air ducts. To remove dust from the vacuum, use a damp cloth.

4: Seal any air leaks.

HVAC systems are most inefficient when there is air leakage. Air leaks can be found through windows and doors. Weatherstripping can be applied to doors and windows to seal them against air leaks. You may feel that certain rooms are always warmer or colder than others. This could be an air leak from your ventilation system.

5: Check furnace blowers and burners.

The perfect time to check your furnace is fall. Check for any accumulation of dust and obstructions from the summer heat before turning on your furnace.

Next, test the furnaces and burners to ensure they are functioning properly. This will ensure that your HVAC system is ready for heating before the colder months arrive.

Step 6 – Program your thermostat.

Fall in weather patterns is subject to change, resulting in a wide range of temperatures. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat yet, now is the time to get one. Programmable thermostats adjust based on the outside temperature. This will make your HVAC system more efficient. A programmable thermostat can extend the life of your HVAC system and reduce heating and cooling costs by allowing for constant temperature fluctuations.

7: Schedule professional HVAC maintenance.

Get professional HVAC maintenance done before the winter cold months arrive. Regular maintenance will ensure that your HVAC system works efficiently and properly when you need it.

Step 8 – Test it.

Testing your HVAC Platform system is the final step in getting it ready for fall. After the equipment has been cleaned and inspected, the settings have been adjusted, it is time to test the system.