One of the most important methods to grow an IT startup is to maintain a confluence of the software development team and the IT operations team. Implementing effective DevOps tips for start-ups at the initial outset of the start-up lifecycle is necessary to achieve long term success.

When the development and the operations team come together to work hand in hand then there is an increased focus on continuous improvement and delivering a better product in less time. Additionally, when it comes to scaling this quickly, the DevOps tips for start-ups can help a company strive for a long time while not letting it fail.

In this blog, we will talk about how DevOps helps start-ups and some useful tips to implement in 2021. These tips are an integral part of defining success. So, let’s begin.


The DevOps processes are all about efficiency and automation between software development and automation. When both things are implemented, they save time and money for a start-up. The high performing DevOps organization deploys more, spends less time on any unplanned work, recover quickly from development failures, spend more time on new work, and don’t fail often.

When there is a highly competitive start-up market, time is an important thing. It becomes necessary to beat the competitors down to the finish line while ensuring the quality of results doesn’t get compromised. This is where DevOps comes in.

The DevOps tips for start-ups are highly based on the agile development philosophy before which the programmers and operations engineers work distinctively. The developers finish their coding for and then hand it over to the IT operations for implementation. All the development processes are combined into two different departments that lead to higher long development timeliness and a lesser quality product.

Implementing the DevOps tips for start-ups focuses on both the departments working together with all through the process of product development. When everyone comes on one page right from the beginning, it helps in quick, efficient, and better delivery. DevOps tips for start-ups make the functioning scalable and stable.

  • CONTINUOUS MONITORING: The earlier a problem is caught, the better are the chances for the problem to get fixed. When the production environment is constantly monitored, setting up automatic alerts for any arising bugs, errors, or other situations that can cause the app to scratch, cut down or go in losses are all controlled.
  • CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION: This is the process of having all the developers integrated their code in its current state into a shared repository multiple times throughout the day. By doing the same, the development team is able to find out problems almost instantly and solve them prior to the next day’s development.
  • CONTINUOUS DEPLOYMENT: The process of continuous deployment allows one to release the code into production almost automatically after it gets passed through the testing phase. This is yet another way for improving the quality of the software in real-time just so that the users find it simple to access and benefit from the version.
  • AUTOMATIC BACK-UP: When the data gets backed up automatically, the integrity and security of important information are ensured. One should implement an automated data backup and restoration process for the staging environment for protecting the code and saving yourself from the time, headache, and expense that it takes to recreate.


Giving a fitting answer to the question of how DevOps helps start-ups, given below are some of the useful DevOps tips for start-ups that can be implemented in the year 2021 to get great results:

  1. EMBRACING CLOUD: It is a well-known fact the cloud has revolutionized the software delivery process and won’t stop doing the same anytime soon. Regardless of how the industry or organization operates, or what is its size, for all the businesses that want to be around during the next decade must embrace and leverage the cloud.
  2. DevOps AS A SERVICE: DevOps as a service offers personalized, centralized, and standardized templates so all the teams don’t do their own thing. So as to reap maximum benefits organizations must create a small team for managing the DevOps processes which include monitoring, CI/CD, cloud, orchestration, release automation as a shared device. This helps in freeing up the developers while allowing them to focus all their energy on solving the business problems.
  3. CENTER OF EXCELLENCE APPROACH: The Centre of Excellence concept is shifting from an approval board model to that of a more consultative approach. All the high performing DevOps organizations will stay focused on the community of practice, or the platform teams that teach the rest of the organization about all the practices and rolling out DevOps in an effective way.
  4. IN BUILT SECURITY: DevOps has turned into a mainstream concept over some time. This means that security can no longer be just an option. It is rather a part of a complete software delivery pipeline and not something added right before the pipeline. In order to shift the security process to an earlier stage, the organizations are beginning to implement an Authority to operate process just so that code passes all the control scans, and the developers no longer have to wait for any stamp of approval for pushing the production.
  5. IMPORTANCE OF BACK-END OPERATIONS: The backend operations cannot be ignored. Oftentimes, the organizations become preoccupied with the customer-facing features and improvements only. In actuality, it is the internal operations platform that enables the organizations to run smoothly. The leaders must put their best engineers on these applications and not just the building features.
  6. FAILING IS NOT AN OPTION: Figuring out how to recover from a failure is important because it’s not a matter of if and when something goes wrong but when it happens. The teams must deliberately create failures and issues within the software delivery process in order to figure out a successful strategy for recovery and detection.


DevOps is a way to run the business that is a lot more efficient than many others. It helps in creating collaboration and communication that helps in adapting to the needs of a customer. It can be said that it is difficult to implement, but it must also be noted that it is worth it.

A start-up that is capable of successfully implementing DevOps is capable of having an upper hand over companies that do not have a DevOps team or the ones that are unable to integrate DevOps in their business. A good DevOps process might cost more but in the race of making a start-up successful, it is all worth it.

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