Glaucoma is a relatively common disease that has been vexing humans since time immemorial. There are plenty of conventional ways to treat this medical condition, and that includes Ayurveda as well.

Glaucoma is an umbrella medical term that is given to a group of medical conditions that affects the human eye, which, if left untreated, can lead to permanent blindness!

Glaucoma has several types, and in all cases, the nerve(s) that connect the eyes (known as optic nerves) to the brain gets damaged.

Are There Any Symptoms?

Yes, there are subtle to severe symptoms of glaucoma. They can range from slow vision loss – a telltale sign of open-angle glaucoma to pain in the eye, sudden visual disturbance and nausea – all signs indicate angle-closure glaucoma. Angle-closure glaucoma is considered a medical emergency that needs immediate medical attention.

What Causes Glaucoma?

The human eye is hollow, and it is filled with a fluid medically termed as aqueous humour. This fluid generally drains out of the human eye through a mesh-like membrane or channel. In any case, if this membrane or channel gets blocked, it hinders the flow of the aqueous humour. On the flip side, the eye may also start to produce abnormal quantities of aqueous humour. In both cases, the pressure inside the eye will increase substantially, thus putting pressure on the optic nerve to the extent of irreversible damage.

Other Less Common Reasons for Glaucoma Could Be:

  • Blunt force trauma to the eye due to an accident
  • Chemical injury to the eyes
  • Bacterial or fungal infection
  • Blocked capillaries or blood vessels feeding the eye(s) and even
  • Medical conditions that result in excessive inflammation of the eyes.

Ayurvedic Classification of Glaucoma

Ayurveda is an old and natural way to treat a plethora of medical conditions that has its origins in India. This is the reason why it is natural for Ayurveda to have its own understanding of the disease glaucoma.

As per experts in Ayurveda, glaucoma is a vata disease that affects the pitta or the eyes. Hence, glaucoma is categorised as a vata-pitta disease.

Glaucoma is known as adhimantha – which in simple words, is considered as a medical complication of the chronic nature that results when abhishyandi goes overlooked or untreated for a long time.

The variations of glaucoma are classified in the ancient Ayurvedic texts as vata, pitta, kapha and rakta. A detailed description of the disease could be found in chapter 15 of the Uttarasthana of the Ashtanga Hrdaya.

According to experts in the field of Ayurveda, glaucoma treatment in Ayurveda begins with the management of nutrient deficiencies, chronic stress and hyperglycemia.

The Treatment can then be Taken to the Next Level By:

  • Avoiding refined carbohydrates
  • Increasing the intake of vitamins A, B, C, as well as omega-three fats
  • Usage of specific herbal preparations meant for treating this specific eye condition that is available at leading Ayurvedic clinics and hospitals.

For more details, one should get in touch with the experts associated with revered Ayurvedic clinics and hospitals in their vicinity.