As the era of time is increasing the digitization of everything around us is also increasing parallel. Forgetting the days of standing in a long queue or waiting over a telephone line for long, we can now  gradually that each and every corner of the world is coming within our hand with the ease of getting instant accessibility to-information and managing our work over these long busy days. Now here, the concept of the Web Portals Development comes into picture.Let’s cover,  how this happens and how it affects the “cost”.

Starting with a short definition of web portal, it is a website designed in a structured manner with various links, which can takes us to the whole Wikipedia of the required component, we are searching for. Web Portal is nowadays available for all the era of establishments ranges from educations, health, e-commerce and continues to cover all the commodities around us which cater to our regular access.

Coming to the cost of a web portal, we should understand where is the cost getting incurred?Take a look below mentioning the steps for developing a web portal-

  • The server needs to get started
  • Creation of the portal site now comes into frame.
  • The need for creating a portlet which will give access to the connected browsing window.
  • And finally the deployment of the portal.

Now the question is “Who do all these jobs?”

We must have heard about the web development Companies. These are  emerging very fast these days.It is where our cost is getting induced as they are the one who is taking care of all the process to get it streamlined. Some of the top web development companies are INDIA NIC,CUBIX,A3 LOGICS,MOBCODER,ELEKS and so on. A Google search for the same will give a more results and elaboration on all companies and we can decide which will get suited to us. Calculating the cost will be as follows-

  • Decide Your Domain

Domain is foremost requirement for starting a web portal for our business.Your domain name should be unique and authenticated with your business name, through which user can get trust on your website link. You can create and buy your domain either by paying monthly subscription or it can be paid annually.

  • Connect Web Hosting

It is the place where you domain will exist.It will start with “”, which can give you a security and user can go inside it to view. As we know for the increasing trend of fake websites and cyber crime, most of the users I do not try to access all website without SSL certificate.It includes the per month cost upto $1000 along with domain.

  • Go For Designing

Eye- catching  attraction is the need of the business to keep users stay on the website and let not go for their competitors. Your layout should be in such a manner that the user can get all the information in one access. Here the front end developer or UX or UI designer works and we can estimate the cost can be up to $ 1500.

  • Finally The Website Development

Stage which gives a balanced settlement to your project, that you wish to post in front of the world and get it ready to use  a website, apps or even both.Back end team of the web developers handles this.

  • The Final Test

It is the phase where the bugs are checked and get it fixed before launching it to the audience as no user will like to surf a website without a smooth interface. These are the responsibility of the testers that are hired in the organization.

So we can now understand where the cost will be. Just to look more precisely on where will be the cost. There are certain factors such as –

  • Functionality

The more components and options are there, the more complex will be the design and it will lead to higher cost and vice-versa. however you cannot even compromise with the elements you choose to give a perfect and open information to your audience to grab more traffic as it will lead to your profit.

  • Hiring Developers

The more experienced developer is hired, the more charge will be there in the work.However, if your website design is a complex one, then the less experienced developers may not get comply with it.It is noticed that outsourcing your project will cost less then hiring a in house developer. Also, the most of web developers varies from one market place to another, like US developers charges around $150 – $ 200 per hour, whereas UK develops charges $80 – $100 per hour and developers in Asia charges around $20-$50 per hour. also here you can hire the top Progressive web app developers for your project. Go through the following tips to find the most suitable developer.

  • Time And Effort

Charges  depends on the number of additional plugin that in turns needs additional time. Hence, the charge will also increase along with it.Plug in cost ranges from $500-$5000.

Considering the above cost, a simple basic web portal will cost you around $8000 to $8000 Plus depending on the quality and the features of the portal. However, if you want to go for an outstanding design or have any out-of-the-box idea, the price may go beyond this limit.

keeping aside, a web portal for a specific business, like an education institutions, business organization, healthcare, government portals or the websites which are giving multiple links on

these fields, there is a growing need of the Vendor Websites for eCommerce, like a giant  Amazon, Meesho or Flipkart ruling over the market or some Auction Web Portal like eBay, takes into account from buy and sell to less bidding deals which attract the users, it is very necessary to include more components to your website so that you can gain more profit from your website than the cost you paid to it for making it successful.Just imagine you developed a all in one  portal where you can offers users to buy or sell, book deals for entertainment and hangout, books traveling tickets to doctors appointment or search any place anywhere!!As a user, it will attract you to visit.