Nothing is more nourishing than spending time in nature. Nothing is more nourishing to our soul and calmer to our soul than being in nature. Our creative expression becomes more innate as we immerse ourselves in the silence of the forest or the fresh seascape of the beach. Just as creativity is a natural part of being human, it is the most accessible and beautiful way to spend time outdoors to inspire your innate creativity.

Our fragile and flawless earth is rich in inspiration. Many people feel more creative and liberated from the constraints of nature. Even the most resilient writers and artists find that spending time in nature increases their creativity, revives their passion, and awakens visions.

Creative inspiration

Nature is one of the most powerful inspiring forces. The delicate balance between mind, spirit, and body can be disrupted in our demanding, ready-to-use society. When we let man-made environments inhabit nature, we reconnect with our deepest selves, establish ourselves and focus ourselves on what is beneficial to our whole being. To detach from everyday life and take the time to naturally observe the cycles of nature inspires creativity.

Just as your body needs to be supplied with healthy foods in order to function optimally, think clearly, and create, so that your mind can feed itself on beautiful landscapes, from the tranquility of forests to peaceful mountain walks and the splendor of the ocean. Taking a moment to stop and think while we are outside also teaches us to be more loving and at peace, as revitalizing to our existence as it is to our writing and art.

Reconnect with our environment

Everything we know has been learned by carefully observing the nature around us, but we are locking ourselves deeper and deeper into cities, severing our already fragile and weak links with nature. Wild and undisturbed environments are becoming more vulnerable and we also feel the effects of being closed off from nature.

In this video, Loving Life, Loving Earth, Tara Brach repeats the Kansas study, noting that Americans, like many countries in the Western world, spend a lot of time indoors and 90% of their time away from nature. In this inner time, Brach wonders how much is being displayed behind the screen and realizes that life in this “alternate reality” affects us profoundly. We are separated from Earth because we often live in a “trance” in which we deny our true nature.

Innovative thinking

Recent research in the Journal of Environmental Psychology shows that feeling connected to nature is linked to creative thinking. Carmen Lai Yin Leung of Victoria University of Wellington has studied the relationship between attachment to nature and cognitive style and has found that attachment to nature is linked to innovative thinking – the ease with which we depart from tradition and move on to new ideas. things wisely.

“A trip to nature is often associated with physical demands (such as hiking), dangers (how to get lost), and opportunities for uplifting experiences (such as watching the sunrise from a mountaintop), says Carmen. “In order to connect with nature, people often have to Openness to new experiences and acceptance of a thirst for adventure. Innovative thinkers also need to be open to accepting new ideas.”

Full focus of the mind

Nature has the ability to reveal some of the most amazing faces only when a few eyes observe them. Whether you’re in a local park or in a huge rainforest, it has the power to transform feelings of melancholy into abundant creativity that will always improve your writing and art. “Natural writing can arise from our interaction with and inspiration from nature,” says Wahlstrom.

To be inspired by nature, you have to be vigilant. While walking in a garden, field or garden, watch the flowers bloom around you, the gentle flutter of the butterfly’s wing; Quiet songbird choir. The gentle wind caressing your face can help your body relax, immerse your mind in the beauty that surrounds you, and free your mind creatively.