Almost 75% of Internet users use Google for online research.

Whatever your specialization, your interest areas, or your activities, if you want to optimize your online presence on the Net and attract traffic to your site, it must first be clearly visible by Google, the leader. search engines.

Some basic reminders by eGate, a natural referencing agency.

1 – Appearing in the first Google results matters

Depending on the queries, as long as they are relevant, Google can find up to hundreds of thousands of responses, which it will list on several pages. However, only the search results on the first page really capture the attention of Internet users.

Improving positioning on Google, that is to say, going up in the engine ranking, will thus increase the traffic on your site and optimize its visibility on the Web.

In fact, the majority of users only focus on the first five URLs that appear under sponsored links (Adwords or paid search).

This is all the more true if they use a connected terminal, whose screen can only display a few lines (smartphone, mobile phone, tablet, etc.). And among them, more than 30% are only interested in the site displayed at the top of the list and less than 25% go beyond the top five.

The click-through rate of pages and sites that are after tenth place, i.e. on the second page, does not exceed 5%.

2 – Natural referencing remains the basis

Gaining places in Google’s results requires designing and implementing a well-established strategy. For now, natural referencing or SEO remains the main lever to operate for increased visibility on the Internet.
For this, different techniques are to be implemented to properly reference your blog or site.

First, we should think about working well the meta and mainly the title  :

– Write the title in the form of a question: a title presented in interrogative form has a 14% greater chance of being clicked.

– Avoid long titles: to be effective, a title should be neither too short nor too long. A length between 15 and 40 characters improves the click-through rate by 8%. On the contrary, a title that is too long risks being truncated by Google and causing you to lose traffic.

– Reformulate the title in such a way as to arouse the emotion of the readers without abusing superlatives.

Another element to work on to gain visibility on the engines: the URLs. These should contain your keyword. Keep in mind that optimized URLs receive a 45% increased click-through rate compared to regular URLs.

As for the meta-descriptions, they must be relevant, descriptive, and catchy. While they have a limited impact on the page’s SEO, they shouldn’t be overlooked. They are an excellent way to capture the attention of Internet users, and therefore, to encourage them to visit your site.

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