When it comes to the construction industry, the contractors play a very important role. They not only supervise the projects but also delegate tasks amongst labors and maintain communication with the clients. There are different types of construction contractors like the general contractors, roofing contractors, concrete contractors, interior contractors, and so on.

However, one of the most demanded areas of contractor jobs is the residential projects. Since these projects need to have homily elements, it’s quite difficult for an aspiring individual to become a contractor or get the residential contractor license Florida.

If you are baffled and feeling intimidating by the process of becoming a residential contractor, do not worry further. In this article, we have compiled a few factors that will help you becoming a residential contractor in Florida.

Choose the contractor career line first

Your first job will be to understand the job profiles of different contractors. For example, a roofing contractor is ideal only for renovating or constructing a new roof. Simply the floor contractors or the epoxy contractors are chosen for specific purposes. So, before you move further, it is mandatory that you understand the various contractor types and choose one suitable for you.

Enrol yourself in a proper contractor school

To get the contractors license Orlando Florida, you need to enrol yourself in a school. These educational centers provide professional and vocational courses and trainings. Make sure the school you are choosing has course options regarding your chosen contractor career. Also, do not forget to choose a reputed and well-known school since these educational institutions are the ones to give you your license.

Choose the most appropriate education course

Be it the online Oklahoma roofing courses or the general contractor courses, you need to choose the appropriate educational course. Look through the contents of each and also check the duration. Some courses are of two months while some can be for four months. Also, the choice of educational contractor courses will depend on whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or expert contractor.

Do not forget to get hands-on in trainings

To become a licensed residential contractor, you need to attend all the trainings which will be conducted during the course. Some trainings will be done in the labs while some will be on the field. These trainings will give you a practical knowledge about different aspects of construction projects. For example, roofing contractors are trained to use safety measures and the harness. Similarly, the interior contractors are trained about wall prep works, primer and putty applications, etc.

Appear for the exam to get the license

Lastly, at the end of the course, you will have to appear for examinations. Some tests will be conducted in written or online form while some will be arranged in the construction sites. To get the license and pass the exams, you will have to successfully complete both of them. Only then you will be given the license of a residential contractor with any specification written in it, provided you have done a specialization course.


Getting a residential contractor license is easy once you start preparing for the exams. But make sure you are choosing the best contractor school Orlando Florida. AAA Construction School is one of the best centres from where you can choose the online course of your liking and proceed further to acquire both the license and permit.