There are many measures you’ll undertake to treat lateral epicondylitis. However, before learning the way to cure lateral epicondylitis, you want to have an ample understanding of what caused it to arise. This way, you’ll refrain from the activities which will only increase the injury.

This condition, simply put, maybe a tear within the tendon that’s attached to your elbow. The epicondyle, to be specific. In medical terms, it’s referred to as tennis elbow. Repetitive, strenuous activities would cause the injury which is why this condition is prevalent to those that engage in tennis or other racquet sports.

If you’re affected by this condition, you do not need to worry as timely intervention and rest can usually do the trick of healing it. However, you furthermore may have the following several options, counting on the severity of your condition, to cure your tennis elbow:

Home Remedies

Rest is imperative in treating lateral epicondylitis. Other measures you’ll also do reception is to apply an ice pack to the affected area. This would reduce the swelling and you’d also want to wrap the affected area in a bandage. The bandage would prevent any longer damage and also limit the swelling thus, speeding up the healing process.

Has your elbow elevated above your heart level the maximum amount as possible also? This might have gravity in your favor because it will assist in effective venous returns of the fluid that’s causing the swelling of the affected area. Read the 9 reasons right here

Medical Interventions

These are the measures prescribed by the doctor once you choose a check-up and have your condition diagnosed. One among the possible medical advice would be the immobilization of your arm through a splint. This is able to prevent any pain provocation and any longer injury.

And in rare cases, with the recalcitrant condition, surgery could be prescribed. This is able to only be prescribed within the case of permanent damage to the tendons.


The exercise contains stretching and strengthening aimed to realize a full range of motion also as to prevent recurrence of the condition.

However, you would like to know that you simply should take care to not overdo it because it can do more harm and increase the injury if it’s not wiped out the acceptable way.