Suppose you’ve previously developed your product specs and are now “searching” for the best Drupal talent for your project. Where should you begin your searches? How can you hire Drupal developers that are a great match for your skillset criteria and who meet your organization’s demands once you’ve identified a pool of talent?

Here in this write up you will get the answer to your mind-boggling questions. So let’s understand how to hire a Drupal developer and Where you can search for them. 

How to Hire Drupal Developers: Where to Look?

Where can You find developers who have worked with Drupal before? ” You can do passive or active searches or a combination of the two. Top employment platforms to consider for passive searches include LinkedIn, Monster, Glassdoor, Indeed, online Drupal (or PHP) communities, as well as freelance sites like Upwork, Toptal, and Scalable Path.

Top channels for your active searches:

Active search channels include social media Drupal groups, local IT communities, and LinkedIn (when you start studying certain LinkedIn profiles, your passive search becomes… active), and (select the top Drupal profiles there and start evaluating them against your own requirements), GitHub and Stack Overflow are examples of developer communities.

What to Look for in a Drupal Developer:

Level of experience, community participation, demonstrated skill shown in the projects he’s worked on, certifications… are all things to look for in a Drupal developer. When it comes to appraising your applicants, what should you focus on first?

Because the number of factors to consider might be overwhelming, here is a list of things to consider in order to find your best match among a group of candidates:

Profile on GitHub

It’s a never-ending source of invaluable information on your prospects, including how much time they spend on various projects, code samples, and contributions data.

Level of Experience

What you should look for here is the number of Drupal versions that they’ve worked with. The more… the better. The more experience a candidate has, the more acquainted he is with Drupal’s specific “roadblocks” and how to overcome them.

Technical Expertise

What criteria do you use to evaluate their technical knowledge? There are two simple techniques to use: ask your candidates to evaluate some of their own code, or provide them with a specific scenario: a problem that they must solve on their own.

Participation in the Community

A skilled Drupal developer is also (most of the time) a contributing member of the Drupal community. Look for evidence of his/her active participation, such as talks in which he utilized his knowledge to assist other developers or contributions to several projects.

Client Testimonials

Are there any client testimonials available on the internet? If not, can he/she provide you with any references you may contact? And this is especially essential if you’re looking at Drupal agencies.

The End 

Drupal expertise is required for your website. If you take into account the following point, finding a top Drupal development company will be a breeze.

If you want to create an eCommerce website, you may use the services of a Drupal eCommerce developer. So, no matter what type of website you create, these components are important to consider.