Why is it that some guys always end up in the friend’s zone? What’s the surest way to avoid a friend’s zone? Well gentlemen, flirting holds all the answers you seek.

Flirting is an art that makes it harder for a woman to resist a guy. It captures a woman’s emotions and makes you the center of her sexual fantasies. However, not all men have mastered the art of flirting.

Most guys approach flirting with the end goal as their dominant drive. That will only make you have a harder time trying to flirt with a girl. The fun fact is most women have no clue when a guy is flirting.

A woman will assume you are being nice, and that’s how you end up in the friend’s zone. Flirting has more to it and you’ll know all about it here. When you are not good at flirting, you’ll make twice the effort to get the girl you want compared to a guy that has mastered the art of flirting.

(Learn how to master the art of flirting TODAY with this free eBook: Get a Girl to Like You).

In this article, we’ll explore how to flirt with a girl by using sneaky and calculated techniques. You’ll understand how to master the art of flirting by building some of your personality traits.

Most guys learn how to flirt with a girl from movies and friends. However, these sources don’t give us enough information to make us good at flirting. What most don’t know is people build towards flirting.