The decision to hire primary school tutors is a challenge for many parents. While some may think of waiting until secondary school to offer that extra academic push, most parents who have the finance wish to hire tutors for their little children’s academic support.

 Types of primary school tutors

  • Online tutoring

Here tutors work with children on electronic platforms like Skype. This is the best of both worlds option; one can get the same quality and support as the traditional option of tutoring but at much less cost because it is less resource intensive. But the point to note is that online tutoring requires a robust internet connection and those without strong and stable Wi-Fi cannot afford it.

  • One to one tutoring

This well-established regimen of tutoring involves the student having a tutor dealing with them one to one. This can be expensive as good tutors charge high for this service. One to one and online tutoring can work excellently in combination.

  • Group tuition

This is a replica of a classroom and takes place in a central location. This is usually much less expensive than one to one tutoring. But the child does not get personal attention, and so his progress will be less. Also, the cost of transport to the centre may add up to over-all costs.

  • Face to face tutoring

The child and the tutor work face to face in the same space, usually in a safe environment like the home. Both enjoy a closer rapport with each other. But this set up is more expensive.

Tips for hiring tutor

  • Finding a tutor

While searching for a tutor, consulting agencies can prove useful. They will have many teachers on their roll and can help identify the best tutor for the needs of the child. A great tutoring agency will assign a rep to meet up with the parents and the child to help match a fitting tutor. This also offers the chance to change the tutor if the relationship does not work out.

In case one does not have access to an agency, one can do well by doing extensive research on prospective tutors. Speak to other parents who have used their services. Most successful tutors work by word of mouth and don’t require advertising. Go through profiles of tutors along with the child. Go with one’s gut and the opinion of the child.

Many tutor websites feature short videos uploaded by tutors. Using such clips, one can get a fair idea about the tutors’ personality. One can enquire from tutors about their approach to teaching and learning and determine whether they are a good fit for the child. It is reasonable to request a trial session from the tutor before you decide to hire her, though she may charge for the same.

  • Relationship between tutor and child

This implies finding a tutor that can relate to the child and also motivate him/ her while being firm when required. Once the child has started to work with the tutor, it becomes obvious whether the relationship is succeeding or not. Children are often brutally honest and will not hesitate in airing their opinions, negative or positive.

At the same time, do not be in a hurry to remove a tutor simply because of complaints of the child. The latter may be resenting the extra workload because of tutoring and may not have a genuine dislike for the tutor. In case the child has concerns, it is good to discuss them with the tutor before making any rash decision.

Basic tips:

  • Determine a reasonable time schedule for tutoring (like once a week) with more intense tutoring nearing exam time.
  • Help the child with completing homework set by the tutor.
  • Ensure the child is well hydrated and fed before tuition time as this will impact their span of energy and attention.
  • Communicate well with the tutor: keep track of the progress of the child. Get proper feedback from the tutor about all aspects of learning by the child.

These are some vital facts if you are considering primary home tutoring for your young one.