Lots of people don’t invest their money because they think it’s too little. However, you don’t need thousands of dollars to implement an investment plan. The truth is, with a strong idea, you can invest $100 and turn them into $1000.

With the wrong attitude, a hundred-dollar bill in your wallet can get you going to the movies with just a few meals. If you are one of those people with this mentality, don’t worry! I’m going to show you some ways to invest $100 and make it worth your time and energy.

Remember that the best time to start investing is when you graduate from high school, college or in your 20s. You don’t want to be disappointed if you can’t get the right pitch, so invest in a good capo. When you start early, it becomes easier to build up the habit and amass more wealth in the future.

Proven Ways to Invest 100 Dollars Like a Pro

When it comes to investing, the major obstacle is ever starting. Investing 100 dollars is like a bird learning to fly. You won’t ever learn unless you take your first leap. And who knows, you might be surprised by the results!

If you still don’t see the power of $100, I’ll give you a real example.

An investment of $100 in Microsoft at its initial public offering was worth 0.94 shares. The current number of shares would be over 130 if you invested monthly. And the value comes to around $28,000.

It’s pretty inspiring, right?

Let’s explore the various ways you can invest $100 today and gain profits within a short time.

1. Start a Quick Business.

Many people dream of being bosses with clients and staff members rushing in and out of their offices. What you have to keep in mind is that a formal business requires significant investments. And you rarely get there without starting small and growing gradually.

100 dollars are enough to set up a pop-up store in your area and sell some stuff over a short time. You can buy some products at wholesale prices and resell them in your shop or some random places.

For instance, purchasing ice cream from wholesalers and selling them to people at school or events on a hot day. In this case, you only require some equipment for blending and storing the different flavors. You may put the whole business on sale after making enough profit to venture into something new.

2. Lend Money to Others.

You can pocket tidy returns by lending $100 to other people. Keep in mind that we aren’t talking about friends and relatives. If you need to grow your $100 investment fast, consider peer-to-peer lending.

Prosper, Lending Club, and Peerform are some top P2P lending sites where small investors can put their money to work. This type of lending isn’t going away any time soon since more sites continue to pop up every year. Each platform has its own estimated return on investment and risk level.

For instance, Prosper allows you to invest as low as $25. The company has 7 categories of different risk levels and estimated returns. This means that your $100 can be spread among 4 different categories to manage the risks and get higher return rates.

3. Use Micro-Investing Apps.

There are several apps to grow your money through investing. You don’t have to pay someone to invest for you while you can download a micro-investment app and control your money from the beginning to the end.
Some leading micro-investment apps in the industry are:

Acorns – It’s good for beginners and only requires $5 to start investing.
Stash– A perfect online financial service if you’re starting out since it has a $0 account minimum.
Wealth Simple – This is another affordable financial service with no minimum investment.
You only have to pick some companies you want to invest in, assess the risks, and find the winner. Most of the apps have experienced traders who can guide you on how to go about your investment. The monthly fees vary from one investment service to another.

Micro investments are suitable for getting you started and gaining hands-on experience. After a while, you can scale up your investments and go for bigger ventures.

4. Invest 100 Dollars in Yourself.

You might be wondering how this can turn $100 dollars into $1000 in a day. Self-investment is essential for acquiring knowledge and skills that shape your financial future. If you intend to use some skill to make money, paying to learn it or update your knowledge base is your best bet.

The Internet is full of information that can help you accomplish anything you want in business. But it can be challenging to filter out outdated information and know what really works at the moment. Opting for paid sources simplifies the job for you since you interact with experts directly.

You may choose to take a class, hire a business coach, or attend a networking event. All these can help you develop new expertise and enhance your professional marketability. After that, you can easily start a successful business or get hired for a high-paying gig.

5. Create a Blog

Blogging is a fun activity that can also be done to generate income online. You make money through ads, affiliate links, and sponsored posts. If you own a product or service, blogging can open new doors for your business.

Related how to invest 1000 dollars

You only make money blogging if you treat it like a business right from the start. This means that you must invest your time, efforts, and money into it. 100 dollars are enough to get a unique domain name plus hosting and a premium theme or a drag-and-drop website builder for your blog.

The best part about blogging is that you can do it while still handling your main job or studies. Even if you have the least technical skills, you can gather expertise and get better along the way. You may opt to become a full-time blogger once you start making some decent revenue out of it.

Can You Invest $100 and Make $1000 in a Day?

It depends on the type of investment. Unless you’re taking part in risky investments like get-rich-quick schemes and gambling, it’s unlikely that you’ll have 10 times your money in one day.

While it’s challenging to invest $100 and make $1000 a day, you could get the same results in several weeks or months using the tips shared in the post. Having a proper investment strategy is essential.

Get Started With Investing

You’ll never know what you could achieve with a single $100 investment until you do it. If you don’t know the exact investment you need, do some soul searching or even ask someone.

For me, spinning the wheel is also a thing when I’m completely torn between options.

It’s never too late. You just have to start!