How to Keep Your Filter Clean Using Swimming Pool Cleaning Products

Cleaning the duoclear mineral cartridge can be a tricky process for someone doing it for the first time. However, it is not too difficult for you to handle.

The key to a clean and good-looking pool is an efficient cleaning routine. Although, if there is small debris such as leaves, sticks, or toys in the water can be picked up and cleaned easily.

Cleaning the insides of the pool and the filters is a job that needs some expert help and knowledge.

When it comes to cleaning the filters, there are two main filters: cartridge filters and sand filters. Out of these two, our main focus will be on cleaning duoclear mineral cartridge filters using some common swimming pool cleaning products.

Cleaning the duoclear mineral cartridge

The duoclear mineral cartridge works when the water is passed through a very fine filter surface. This filter is responsible for capturing the dirt, impurities, and contaminants.

The filters hold onto the dirt until you take out the cartridge and clean them or replace them with new ones. Since the surface area of cartridge filters are comparatively much more than sand filters, the dirt can be easily caught and stored for longer periods.

If the cartridges are regularly cleaned, the cartridges work at a lower pressure than sand filters. Since the pressure is low on the pump, the water flows more efficiently, not compromising the user’s comfort and enjoyment.

Basic maintenance of cleaning the duoclear mineral cartridge is to rinse off the cartridge with a garden hose. You can also sink them in some swimming pool cleaning products to ensure the dirt is removed thoroughly.

Step by step process of cleaning the duoclear mineral cartridge

The steps for cleaning the filter to make it look brand new are as follows.

1- Gather all the spa cleaning chemicals

Without the supplies, cleaning the pool is not possible. The supplies needed are a hose, filter cleaner, white vinegar, and pool chlorine.

2- Turn the pump off

It is crucial to turn off the pump. When you turn off the pump, you can avoid the water shooting up at you. Along with the water, the filter might come up too. Hence, it is important to turn it off.

3- Let go of the air

After turning off the pump, pull the little valve to release the air. While pulling the valve, do it slowly and give the air enough time to pass out.

4- Take out the filter

After the air has been completely released, you should uncap and remove the filter. Since you’re doing the hard work to clean the filter, expect the filter to be dirty.

5- Wash out the cartridge filter

Once the filter is removed, take a hose and spray it directly on the filter. Spraying will remove the dirt and keep the filter clean. While spraying, remember to spray at an angle so that the gunk is lifted off. If you have a cartridge filter cleaner, then place it on the hose and clean them.

6- Inspect the filter properly

Once the filter is properly washed, inspect it for damages, rips, holes, and tears. Since the cartridges only last for a year or two, it is crucial to inspect them regularly.

7- Soak the filter if it is very dirty

If you have not cleaned your filter for some time, then the duoclear mineral cartridge will be dirty, and spraying them won’t be enough. The easiest way to clean is using white vinegar. In a bucket, add white vinegar and water. Put the filter and let it soak for a day or two. After soaking, take it out and rinse the filter.

8- Check the filter tank

After cleaning the filter, it is time to inspect the filter tank. Always check the o-ring and ensure that they are in good condition. If it needs lubrication, then do the needful.

9- Leave the filter to dry and place it in the tank

After rinsing the filter, leave it on the line or the porch to dry. Once the filter is dry, give it a good shake to ensure no debris or dirt is still inside the filter. Place the filter in the tank and secure it with a cap.

Wrapping up

This was an overview of cleaning the duoclear mineral cartridge filter.